Tuesday, December 6, 2011

BCS, BS... they mean the same thing

I’ve said it before and it’s never been clearer how corrupt the BCS is. It’s not about matching up the #3 team with the #4 team it’s all about the Benjamin’s!

I like the #1 and #2 matchup between LSU and Alabama and as an SEC fan this is going to be another great game of elite college football. What I don’t like is how LSU has to beat Bama AGAIN to hold the crystal ball and make snow angels on a field covered in confetti.

LSU coach Les Miles- coach of the year? He has my vote. The Shady start turns into a 13-0 SEC title and one win away from the BCS National Championship- not easy to do. And with mostly freshman and sophomores; LSU is not going anywhere anytime soon.

LSU is the National Champion. How is it fair that LSU has to beat Alabama twice to win the BCS (LSU beat Bama in the regular season at Bama in OT), but Alabama only has to beat LSU once to win the BCS Championship, how is that fair?

The other BCS matchups are:
Michigan vs. Virginia Tech in the Sugar Bowl
Clemson vs. West Virginia in the Orange Bowl
Oregon vs. Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl
Oklahoma vs. Stanford Fiesta Bowl

Arkansas got screwed! (No conference can have more than two teams in BCS bowl games- even when four SEC teams are in the top nine of BCS standings.) Arkansas’s losses were on the road to LSU and Alabama.

VT is 1-4 in BCS Bowl appearances. They got CRUSHED by Clemson, twice- once in Lane Stadium. The Jokies season didn’t start until October 1 and combined ten points gave VT wins over Miami (6-6), Duke (3-9) and UNC (7-5). The BCS should be embarrassed, but instead they gave VT the at-large bid because they “travel well” HAHA. Yes, in Blacksburg they draw a crowd only because there is NOTHING else to do in Blacksburg. Remember last year’s Orange Bowl between Stanford and VT; the stands were empty or the Boise State matchup in FedEx field that was basically a home game for VT. Both games the Jokies failed to “travel well” but they succeeded in their streak for being the biggest fraud in college football. Beamer makes no apologies for their Sugar Bowl selection or for the check he must have written to Sugar Bowl CEO Paul Hoolahan.

A 10-2 Michigan team- I’m on the fence about their bowl game selection, but I have no hesitation about who I’m rooting for: GO BIG BLUE!

A 10-3 Clemson team, an 11-2 VT team and a 9-3 West Virginia team get BCS games over a 10-2 South Carolina team, a 10-2 Arkansas team, an 11-1 Boise State team and an 11-1 Kansas State team. BS! BS! BS! Yes, I’m an SEC fan and there’s something about Boise that I really like and want to see them in a game where every game really counts. But because the BSC is really run by the sponsor’s CEO the focus is on racks on racks on racks and not the BEST matchups in college football.

College football wonders why there’s so much talk about paying players or why players would ever think of accepting “gifts”… as long as the sponsor’s CEO’s are deciding who plays in the BCS- the BCS and BS will mean the same thing…

Monday, November 14, 2011

Say It Isn't So Joe!

It’s a sad, sad time for college football. For the first time in more that 45 years Joe Paterno is not the coach of the Penn State Nittany Lions.

I’ve been a JoePa fan for as long as I can remember. I have a small statue of him on my desk. A part of me is in denial because of my love and respect for JoePa and the other part of me is still trying to put the pieces together and gain an understanding of this story.

No one is going to defend Jerry Sandusky’s actions of child molestation. Jerry Sandusky is a sick, SICK man and he will meet his match in prison. What happened to these victims is repulsing. I read the Grand Jury Report, but I think there are a few pages missing…

Why almost 15 years later are we just now hearing about these awful events? Were promised scholarships not fulfilled, hush money stopped being deposited or something else…? What happened to the victims is awful and now we have to figure out how it went on for so long, the campus cover up and how to make sure this never happens again.

I can only speak for myself- I know how embarrassing I was as a child to my parents by just being me. The first time I heard the word penis, I said it over and over and over… along with every other “bad” word. I laughed when we walked by Victoria’s Secret because they had manikins in their underwear. I went to a hearing specialist for a year where my parents learned that my hearing was fine, I just didn’t listen. My point is that if I was fondled in any inappropriate way I would have told everyone just for being a kid, not because I knew it was a crime. Even if I was told not to tell, I would have “forgotten” and still said something…. I just feel like these victims said something and the mom of victim #1 even reported it- it’s in the Grand Jury report and nothing happened? Again, I’m not in any way defending San-disgust-me, but I’m trying to understand why we are hearing about it 15 years later.

The Penn State cover up is so deeeeeep and disturbing. I believe JoePa when he was notified by Mike McQueary of “fondling and horsing around” that he went to the AD, Tim Curley. McQueary SAW the shower incident of victim #2 and didn’t go to the police! He didn’t even try to intervene! WTH is wrong with McQueary? At the time, McQueary was 28 years old and a graduate assistant and from what we know, he is the only eye witness and he didn’t go the police. Isn’t that failure to report a crime?

Continue reading Sandusky’s Grand Jury Report and you learn that what McQueary saw and reported to JoePa, Curley and senior VP of business and finance Gary Schultz, were different stories. You could blame all them of being guilty of failure to report a crime that they didn’t witness. Police need indisputable evidence to pursue a crime not “he said, she said”. McQueary is the only one of those who could testify to the police what he witnessed, but instead he took a full time coaching position with Penn State… It’s funny how that timeline worked out for him. After what he saw, how could he work with Sandusky? Was he not scared every time he dropped a pen when Sandusky was in the room?

The reaction of Facebook and Twitter is the lack of empathy from Penn State students and fans towards the victims and criticism of Penn State students for the riots and the support they have shown for JoePa. But here’s the issue; no one supports child molestation and JoePa is not the one accused of the charges.

Students and fans were outraged by John Surma and the Board of Trustees decision to fire JoePa by saying it is in the “best interest of the university”. Shut the front door! How can you make that statement and then follow with “we don’t know all the facts”. In America, you are innocent until proven guilty. How do you fire the man who IS your University, who announced to his team he would retire at the end of season just days before his last home game after 45 years of commitment and dedication to the University when you “don’t know all the facts”??? But the one fact we all know is that McQueary witnessed the crime, didn’t go to the police and it took days later for the Board to announce he would not be coaching Saturday’s game and that he is in protective custody.. Penn State hasn’t fired him, but they fired the BEST tradition, a living legend, the heart of Penn State; JoePa and they think the fans would be okay with that decision? Wrong again. The Board of Trustees should be embarrassed for the way they have handled this sick, sick scandal.

I don’t even have to hope that Penn State doesn’t win another football game, without JoePa- what is Penn State’s selling point? And to go out like this is just sad. Say it isn’t so Joe! Joe Paterno should have been able to coach his last home game. The seniors deserved it, the team deserved it and JoePa fans needed a way to say thank you and good bye. John Surma- you just planned the funeral of not just Penn State Football but for Penn State University.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

"Embrace the Suck"

It’s been a bad few weeks for sports teams… No really, it’s been a BAD few weeks.

It’s no secret that I’d rather be called the Tin Man than the Scarecrow and lately I’ve been reminded on just about every Saturday and Sunday when my football teams lose that deep down, there is a broken heart… Every week I trick myself into believing that THIS week is going to be different. It’s as if I’ve been living a sports version of the movie Groundhog Day and the losing just keeps replaying and yet I keep watching and rooting.

Texas Rangers
I can’t even talk about game six or game seven without feeling like the Sports Gods hate the Texas Rangers. WHHHHY? This is a team that makes baseball fun to watch and a franchise that deserves the Commissioner’s Trophy in Arlington, Texas.

Back-to-back heartbreak for a blue collar team that plays with more heart than any other team; it just hurts. I’m still nauseous thinking about it. They lost; they lost game six and they lost game seven in St. Louis when the games should have been played in Arlington. Bud thinks the league winner of MLB All-Star game is the only way to decide who gets home field advantage and this is a situation where the National League clearly had home field advantage.

Game six will define this World Series as a scar on the hearts of Ranger fans for year’s maybe even decades…

Tennessee VOLS
Let’s be honest, the only thing bright in Knoxville is Dooley’s pants. Star Justin Hunter ended his season on a non-contact play, QB Tyler Bray hurt his hand but he has no problem tweeting and this list can go on and on and on and on.. It’s beyond frustrating to watch an SEC team lose at home and they only score by kicking a field goal. It’s so embarrassing that’s almost comical.

Washington Redskins
I know.. I should be use to losing as a Redskins fan and I am. But some how I still think every year is going to be the year! HA- it’s more like the decade of the worst QB in Washington. Seriously, I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Let Ovechkin run the pocket- at least he can win in the regular season. I’ve have the same beer guy in my section for the past three seasons, but I’ve had eight QB’s and six head coaches in 12 seasons. With that turnover, who would want the starting job in Washington??

On Sunday, I’m missing my first home game in three seasons. Not because I’m scared I’ll be escorted out of FedEx for yelling obscenities at Kyle Shanahan, but because I’ll be on a flight to Sin City. I should land at half time which means I’m going to miss the game because the Redskins haven’t played a full game in years! And somehow I’ll still rock my BANKS jersey from DC to Vegas as if it’s going to be our lucky day. Pathetic- I know.

So after the past week of being in a sports depression I was given some much needed advice when listening to the Double A Show on TSR 1180; “Embrace the Suck”. It’s as if the stars aligned and fireworks went off- it all made sense. I picked my teams and I’m going to be a fan for the good and for all the bad, really bad, terrible, disappointing, depressing, embarrassing and heartbreaking seasons. My new motto is “Embrace the Suck” Thanks AA!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wash it Out

The butterflies are multiplying in my stomach while I was watching game five of the World Series. Of course, I had to work so I was on my best “fan behavior” although being quiet and staying still are etiquettes that do not apply to me. My bartenders have learned to root for my teams because when they score, I let them take shots! But with Chris Carpenter on the mound for the Cardinals, they too were worried it would be a sober night…

Thank you sports Gods for the Year of the Napoli! Rangers Catcher Mike Napoli dropped a bomb off Carpenter in Game one of the World Series and then BOOOOM- he hit a game winning double in the 8th to give Texas a 4-2 lead.

But the story that’s been on the sports headlines ALLLL DAY is the “miscommunication” of Tony La Russa to the bullpen. We all know La Russa is one of the best brains in baseball. Personally- I think he was trying to save closer Jason Motte and when he realized his backup plan didn’t go as planned- he blamed the bullpen phone. They still make phones with cords? In a world of more tech-communication devices then we know what to do with, there’s NO EXCUSE. Even if the power goes out, hold up a poster board with random pictures like the Oregon Ducks to communicate to your team. Or have your daughter tweet who you want, well- that tweet might get removed…

“Miscommunication” was clearly the topic of discussion in the world of sports on Tuesday, but no one was talking about what was clearly communicated by St. Louis pitcher Chris Carpenter while heading to a commercial after the sixth inning.

Adrenalin… tourettes… anger management… nope. It’s just another Carpenter profanity outburst directed to Napoli that’s as dirty and nasty as his sinker.

The G-rated translation went something like this: "BEEEP YOU!" "You piece of BEEEEP! BEEEEP YOU!"

Who knew you needed a permission slip to watch game five of the World Series.

Is this an unseen trailer of the Situation and Ronnie on the Jersey Shore? Show some class Carpenter! I get it if you’re emotions are getting the best of you and sometimes the F-bomb is the only word that delivers any verbal justice. But to attack Napoli by calling him a piece of beeeep is like pretending to fist pump and then sucker punching someone in the face. NOT COOL BRO, NOT COOL!

The Texas Rangers- now that’s a cool team and what a fun team to watch. I’m partial, shortstop Elvis Andrus is a good friend of mine- he’s like a lil brother. But I’ve been a Ranger’s fan before Elvis arrived in Texas. Seriously, how can you root against the most energetic Skipper, Ron Washington and his signature “The Wash” move? Every time the Rangers make a key play he looks like he’s playing a running/track game on the Nintendo Power Pad and it’s simply awesome! Who ever said baseball is not fun to watch clearly hasn’t been watching the Texas Rangers all season.

Carpenter, you can have your dirty mouth and I’ll watch Ron Washington’s Rangers “Wash” it out!

Click here to see the YouTube video of “The Wash”.

Click here if you want to watch a replay of Carpenter I found on YouTube, but you will need a permission slip for this one…

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hometown Haters

Never a dull moment from BigBush!

It’s been brought to my attention that because I enjoy picking on Virginia Tech that I’m a “Hometown Hater”. HAHA I guess I’m guilty as charged…

It's no secret that I like to "pick on" VT. If VT was an awful program then it wouldn't be as much fun to pick on them. I respect Beamer and what he has done for the University and the surrounding communities. With the help of a few players who shall remain nameless, Beamer put the Hokies on the map and created a fan base of some of the most diehard fans. Considering that there’s not a lot to cheer for in the mountains of southwest Virginia, its no wonders Hokie fans LIVE for VT football. I think the passion is great for the game of college football, but the bottom line is that I'm just not a Hokie.

Call me crazy, but most of us are not asked in womb where we would like to be born and where we would like to be from. For me, I lived in the same house from birth until I graduated from high school and then moved to South Carolina for college. I knew at an early age that there was world outside of Roanoke Virginia and that world was calling my name. Is it bad that I’ve never been “homesick”? I’ve missed my friends, family, dog and Vinton McDonald’s fries (seriously, it’s the BEST McD’s and I’ve ate at a lot of McD’s), but I never plan on moving back… sorry mom and dad.
I didn't get to pick where I'm from, but I did get to my college football team- and I root for the Tennessee VOLS!

Tech fans always want to talk about the past and that 2009 Chick-fil-a bowl game where UT lost to VT. UT was ranked 8th in the SEC and Tech was ranked 2nd in the ACC that year. Funny, Tech fans never mention 1994 loss to UT or the lack to National Championship banners hanging in Lane Stadium….

UT is ranked ninth on the list of all-time most wins of major college football programs as well as second on the list of most wins in the SEC, just behind Alabama's Crimson Tide. Oh and six national titles- not too shabby. It’s pretty obvious that the past few years haven’t been as bright as Dooley’s orange pants, but I’ll watch an SEC battle of the basement game before an ACC championship game. The SEC is the powerhouse for college football and that famous chorus “Rocky Top, you’ll always be Home Sweet Home to ME” it defines my team win or lose.

So, to all those diehard Tech fans: I love your passion and I think college football is one of the best sports to watch. I just don't think you HAVE to root for your hometown team just because that's where you are from and I’m not the only one from southwest Virginia who agrees. Big Bush is UVA fan, but in the world of hometown hates, he’s my idol. (See picture above.)

In America, you can be a fan of any college football team you choose. God Bless America and God Bless the Tennessee VOLS!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lady Luck!

The sports gods were looking out for me during week of two NFL games. I play in a weekly pick-em style pool and by playing smart, I WON! Instead of being responsible with the win and saving the money, I booked a flight to Dallas for the Monday Night match up between my Washington Redskins and arch rival the Dallas Cowboys.

The sports gods were still on my team the next day when I was given three tickets to the game. Did I mention they were cushioned seats, seven rows from the field and on the fifty yard line? BALLLLLLIN!

Yes, I’m very thankful and lucky to know the White family who gave me the tickets. They invite me to EVERY home Redskins game with my own parking pass. I have no idea how I got so lucky, but I am forever indebted by the generosity of the White family.

While boarding the flight, the airline announced that all Dallas fans would board last. I literally laughed out loud. The man next to me didn’t find the comment as humorous as I did- he must have been a Dallas fan…

I was so excited the day before my flight that I couldn’t sleep until I boarded the airplane. Like most small children, I fall asleep in moving vehicles when I’m the passenger. I was out cold before I could hear that “the closest exit could be behind you.”

I landed early enough to still get Chik-fil-a breakfast, my favorite! At this point I was pretty sure my luck was going to run out and that I was going to get beat-up by a crazy Dallas fan… Cooler is packed with ice, tailgate shopping is complete and my Brandon Banks jersey is on! Oh, it’s game time now!

As a die-hard Redskins fan (don’t laugh, I’m loyal) I will give it to Dallas fans, they were pretty cool. Southern hospitality and Dallas drunks; what a great combination!

This fantasy of a stadium in Arlington, TX is really a FANTASY stadium! I’ve never denied that I would love to spend a day with Jerry Jones, he seems fun. And then he built Cowboy Stadium and now I really want to high-five Jerry in person! Every inch of the stadium is first class, crystal clean and full of entertainment. Oh and that big screen you’ve heard about… my neck still hurts from looking at it. Who ever said “everything is big in Texas” wasn’t joking. Well done Jerry Jones, well done!

Just as I was trying to send a thank you text to the White’s I turn around for the BEST surprise and see the White’s in Redskins jerseys! Knowing that staying in my seat and being quiet are two skills I consistently lack, they showed up and made sure I had Redskins fans behind me.

I’ll be honest; this was the calmest I’ve ever been during a Redskins loss. Not because as a Redskins fan I’m used to losing, but because the atmosphere was so much fun. I’m still shocked that Dallas fans were so fun; I laughed more than I yelled. We all knew the game was more like watching a soccer game than a football game. The truth is that both the Redskins and the Cowboys haven’t been the teams they “used to be” in the past few years, but the rivalry and respect is still strong. As much as we hate each other on the field, we both hate the Eagles more.

Dallas won the game, but when it comes to the cheerleaders- both teams are beautiful but based on hair-ography and choreography- the Redskinettes win, hands down!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Metta World Whaaaat?

In August 2008, Chad Johnson legally changed his name to Chad Ochocinco. The English translation of the name change is "eight, five". However, in Spanish 85 is "ochenta y cinco”. Guess he missed season two of Dora the Explorer… Ochocinco has been a headliner for the comedians of the NFL not just with his name change, but also with his end-zone celebrations. Being a fan favorite, he made it to the final four on season ten of Dancing With the Stars.

And then there’s Ron Artest who legally changed his name to “Metta World Peace” last week. World Peace said his name change was meant to “inspire and bring youth together all around the world”. Metta is a traditional Buddhist word that means loving and kindness toward all. Really, did this just happen? I honestly think it was just a media stunt to promote his celebrity appearance on season thirteen of Dancing With the Stars.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one on planet Earth who hears the name Ron Artest and immediately thinks of the 2004 Malice at the Palace. The Pacers-Pistons brawl that broke out with less than a minute left in the game between the players and then between World Peace and the fans. There are no excuses for that kind of behavior. It was awful and embarrassing to the NBA. The Palace of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, Michigan will forever be scarred with the Malice at the Palace incident.

So who needs more mental therapy: World Peace (do we really have to call him that?), the LA County Superior Court for allowing the name change or the talent scout at Dancing With the Stars for thinking America would actually vote for him? DWTS isn’t a show I watch and looking at the past “stars” list- I’m confused. There are athletes and then there’s Chaz Bono. WHO? I must be confused on the definition of the word “star”...

World Peace is sorry for the Malice at the Palace incident and he was punished by the NBA, but did the talent scout really think that by changing his name and sprinkling some glitter on him would change how the public perceives him?

Metta World Peace – it just sounds stupid. Instead of focusing on “world peace” try making peace with the NBA Lockout.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mark Richt: You are in the DogHouse

I’m still livid. Not that I expected a team from the Big South Conference to pull a JMU or an Appalachian State in Athens, GA- but I expected more from an SEC Coach.

“The University of Georgia vs. Coastal Carolina University- It’s one of the biggest game of the year, might even be an ESPY caliber of a match up and it’s not even on TV.” This was my comment before the game to a co-worker who is an UGA alum (I’m a proud CCU alum) spoken in my fist language; complete sarcasm. When I saw UGA on the schedule I knew this game would be ugly. I hoped they would have extra medical staff on hand and that they better be paying Coastal A LOT of money to take snaps on a SEC field this early in the season

Remember that classic press conference about cats and dogs? Yes, that’s our Coach Bennett and he knows how to put Coastal on the map! (But he wasn’t talking about the Bulldogs.) Coach Bennett is a southern comedian, how can you not root for him? I’ll give it to coach Bennett- he’s not scared to play the big boys! Frank Beamer won’t play an SEC team on the road during the regular season.

The Chants will probably never play for a BCS National Championship and I’m okay with that. That’s why I love SEC football; because they set the standard for National Championship teams. I have a lot of respect for other SEC teams. That doesn’t mean I like them, I just respect them.

And then there’s Georgia’s coach Mark Richt; the owner of the pups’ 6-7 record last season and started this season 0-2. Yep, he is on the head coach chopping block and on my coaching dog-shit list. Really Richt, 59-0 against the Big South and the overrated Aaron Murray played most of the game? Richt, you proved your point in the first half that you would finally get a W and buy yourself another week of being the head coach of UGA. All you proved to me is that you’re an a**hole.

Coastal played Penn Sate in 2008 and lost 66-10 and in 2009 they lost to Clemson 49-3. At least JoePa and Swinney had the respect to understand the situation and enough faith in the second and third string to basically let everyone get in the game and take their starters out in the second half. I get it’s a game and Richt was playing for is job, but if he’s worried about an upset from the Big South- he shouldn’t be a coaching in the SEC.

PS: Coach Richt, Kellen Moore says hello.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shady Start

Bar fights, Suspensions and Cup cakes- It’s a shady start, but college football is only days away!

LSU quarterback Jordan Jefferson and other teammate, Joshua Johns have been suspended indefinitely by the school for their “alleged” poundings outside of Shady’s Bar in Baton Rouge two weeks ago. Both players turned themselves in after police arrest warrants on felony charges of second-degree battery. Four people were injured during the brawl. With these suspensions- there goes a chance for a Championship banner for the Tigers.

Good luck Jarrett Lee on your season opener against Oregon. But don’t worry, the Duck’s All-America corner Cliff Harris of Oregon is suspended along with middle linebacker, Kiko Alonso. Harris will be on the sideline for his 118 mile-per-hour speeding ticket, driving with a suspended license and for his string of unpaid traffic violations. (He must be facebook friends with Terrelle Pryor.) Alonso is still hung-over from a night of partying and tying to remember where he lived. (See story) HA- college, I do miss you.

Virginia Tech’s schedule… what a joke! Is Frank Beamer a pastry chef? Because he just made one cup cake of a schedule! Appalachian State, East Carolina, Arkansas State and Marshall sum up the first half of the season. No Maryland, No NC State and No Florida State (the only other ACC team ranked in the top 25)! SEC school’s have intramural teams with schedules more difficult than the Jokies in Blacksburg.

Brace yourself for the Tech fans; they are almost as annoying as Ohio State fans. With Tech’s schedule, they should have a pretty good record (I’m going to be sick). Too bad these dumb birds haven’t learned that to get an invite to the NCAA dance or to play in a BCS Championship game, you have to play the BEST teams.

Even with the all the not-so-good headlines, college football is back and Saturday’s now have a purpose again. GO VOLS!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Running and Chomping

Two weeks until kick off and I’m already calling an audible.

Roger Goodell should have sent a direct message and declared Terrelle Pryor ineligible for the supplemental draft. Instead, Goodell suspended Pryor from the first five games of the NFL season- the same suspension he would have received if he was still in the huddle with a bunch of nuts. Mr. Goodell, can a player be punished for being a D-bag under the personal conduct code? Just hearing the name “Terrelle Pryor” makes me want to throw-up. At least Ohio State learned from that salty nut and banned Pryor from all contact with the university's athletic program and new incoming recruits for the next five years.

This kid is just running from the rules (not that I agree with all the rules he broke) but what standard are you setting for all those kids in college now who are just “living the dream” of being a campus football star and then BOOM the NCAA suspends them (after the bowl game) and they too will chuck the deuce up and come running to the NFL. Mr. Goodell, you just paved the road for a bunch of NCAA delinquent’s to take their suspensions to the NFL.

Looks like the U will be newest NFL team in Miami.

I do have one important question for the Redskins Special Team Coordinator, Danny Smith- What kind of gum are you chomping on? There’s not a camera shot of him without a full pack of gum stuffed into his mouth. The wad of gum might even be bigger than the most exciting player in burgundy- 5’7 punt return specialist; Brandon Banks.

As long as Smith is chomping and Banks is running, I’ll be yelling- Hail Yeah!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Deer Antler Spray?

When talking about professional sports, “Deer Antler Spray” sounds like a game plan to defeat the Texas Rangers’ “claw and antler” marketing phenomenon.

Deer antler spray is actually the latest performance-enhancing substance containing IGF-1 and one of it’s proteins that is increased in human growth hormone (HGH) which aids in a faster recovery.

I just don’t believe the hype of steroids in professional sports. Sure, they can make you look like a gorilla juice head and you increase your chances of hooking up with Snookie and JWOW on the Jersey Shore, but steroids can not make you a better athlete.

What about the integrity of the game? The integrity of the game was distorted in 1994when baseball canceled the playoffs and World Series because the owners were solely focused on money and never discussed the Drug and Steroid Memorandum topic during the negotiations.

This new “spray” is actually made from the soft-coating found deer antlers. After it is freeze-dried, its ground into a powder that can be taken as a pill, mixed into a liquid or as a mouth spray. The spray is featured S.W.A.T.S. (Sports With Alternatives To Steroids) website where professional athletes have endorsed the product. IGF-1 is banned by MLB and all professional sports- I guess “Alternatives” really means “catch me if you can”. This clear substance can only be traced in a blood test and MLB only uses urine testing.

Today its “Deer Antler Spray”; next month it will be shark’s fins. Soon, Flintstone vitamins will be added to the list of banned substances. The truth is that there is no magic spray for athleticism and God given talent to play ball. And if this “spray” means that Stephen Strasburg would get off the DL faster and back in my fantasy line up then I’ll send him a bottle of deer antler spray myself.

Last week, the NFL became the first major US sport allowed to use blood testing for HGH. Goodell hopes the testing will begin by opening day, but the game plan for who will be tested and when both remain unknown. Baltimore Ravens linebacker, Ray Lewis was listed as an endorser on the S.W.A.T.S site until the blood testing news broke. I haven’t been able to find punishment for being caught with a positive HGH blood test, but if Ray Lewis isn’t allowed to run through the tunnel at M&T Bank Stadium the fans are ones who will be punished.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It took 132 days for the owners and the players to agree on a new collective bargaining agreement. Two things we learned from the lockout:

1) James Harrison and Roger Goodell are not facebook friends.

Harrison accuses Goodell of trying to soften the game and implementing rules that protect the quarterback. He faults Goodell’s lack of experience as a reason for his inconsistencies of fines to players for unnecessary roughness where Harrison has paid over $100G’s. Harrison describes the commish as “a puppet,” “a crook,” “a punk,” and “a dictator” who maintains poor player relationships.

Goodell is praised by the media for his personal conduct policy that allows players to be punished by the league without being convicted of a crime. Holding players accountable for a higher standard of behavior is respectable. But it’s a double standard when you don’t hold the coaches to that same benchmark- remember Spygate?

Harrison and Goodell will only understand the game through the position they play, but there was a moment when we all understood the game through one image:

2) A picture can say it all.

The image of Indianapolis Colts offensive lineman, Jeff Saturday embracing New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft said more than 132 days of labor negotiations.
Rivals came together in a moment that symbolized one team and reminded us that millionaires and NFL players are also human. The respect and gratitude by both Saturday and Kraft represented unity in its most natural form.

In a soft voice, Saturday said “A special thanks to Myra Kraft, who even in her weakest moment, allowed Mr. Kraft to come and fight this out. Without him, this deal does not get done. I don’t want to be climatic, but he is a man who helped us save football. We’re gracious for that, we’re gracious for his family, and the opportunity presented to get this deal done.”

His words were heard, but the image of unity was felt.

Redskins: 7-9

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Get Your Popcorn Ready!

I don’t watch a lot of TV shows and I go to the movies once a year on Christmas day – it’s a family tradition. I’m usually pretty good when it comes to multitasking, but having to sit still and be quiet at the same time is not my idea of a good time. For the most part, jumping out of my seat, throwing something, high fiving strangers and yelling at officials are part of my fan/game experience. I’ve never earned an official conduct warning card like Alex, but when I’m watching games from home my neighbors have complained more than once about my excessive out burst of cheering and yelling.

Now that you know my ADHD back ground, it’s no surprise that I could care less about the Oscars, the Academy Awards, the Golden Globes or any other award show that recognizes the television shows and movies that I’ve never heard of.

The only award show that really matters to me is ESPN’s ESPYS- the best stories in sports told in one night. Live on Wednesday July 13th at 9:00. Unlike the other award shows, I know the nominations. I’ve watched the games or at least I have witnessed the highlights on ESPN. I even vote!

The ESPY’s take place during the MLB All-Star break so all professional athletes can attend (except the US Women’s soccer team who are playing in the world cup semi-finals). It’s a night of recognition, memories, comedy and a crowd of grown men decked out in bling-bling on the red carpet.

All presenters and nominees get a pimp gift package full of hotel packages, spa services, designer watches, luggage and sunglasses, gym memberships, P90X, several restaurant gift certificates, grooming products and even men’s spanks. Hopefully Hines Ward will use the Go-Brilliant transportation service gift certificate on his next night out on the town…

I’ve had dreams that I’m the first female to host the ESPYS. Seriously, I’ve had the same dream more than once and my opening monolog talks about my magical powers (not only can I open automatic door with the point of my finger but I also have the power to make small things look really big). Instead of just discussing my powers I call up Dustin Pedroia to stand next to me and poof, he looks huge!

I have a fear of doorknobs. They come out of no where and attack me, leaving bruises. I’ve ran into more glass doors than I should admit and broken my pinky toes countless times from opening doors. It’s sad how scary doors are to me and it’s no surprise that my father has told me my entire life not to tell anyone that he’s my father. He’s not famous; he’s just embarrassed that I’m his daughter so of course I announce my father’s full name with his picture in the background. It’s a classic moment of me laughing at my own jokes.

There’s a shout out to Ozzie Guillen and he yells back, but no one understands what he says, but we all laugh. Then later in the show I fight back tears as I introduce my hero, Coach Bob Knight. It has the potential to be the best ESPYS ever!

This year’s awards will be hosted by SNL’s Seth Meyers and if he acts like he does in the ESPY commercials it will be an entertaining night of sports. So get your popcorn ready and watch the only award show with the best stories in sports- the ESPYS!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stat Girl

I’m only writing this knock on Alex’s Friday show because A) his show is suppose to be the most factual show according to some media source and B) Alex- embarrassed, convinced MacDaddy to take out the paragraph on my bio about his “bar antics” that I find hilarious.

If you watch PTI on ESPN you know that Tony Reali is known as Stat Boy- he corrects Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon. Double A’s Intern #1 and #2 must have been too hung over to notice the false information on Friday’s show and left me with no choice to be Alex’s Stat Girl.

The Rangers fan that sadly died was there with his six year old son, not his father. The story is just heartbreaking on so many levels and while I feel for the family’s loss I also sympathize for Nolan Ryan and the Rangers organization.

Brett said “I think someone actually died at the same stadium last year, the same exact way”. Brett, don’t be thinking. The Ranger’s fan that fell at last year’s game did NOT die. And it was NOT the same type of fall, not even close.

Last year’s accident happened from the upper deck when a foul ball bounced from the upper second-deck and was coming back down the stands. The fan, Tyler Morris, with his back to the guard rail was reaching for the ball before it landed in the lower deck, as if he was doing a backbend over the railing to catch the foul ball and landed in the section below. Luckily, he made a full recovery.

Roberto- you’re grounded for a week of calling in. You think Derek Jeter is the ONLY player to hit 3,000 hits with one team- HAHA I’m a girl and I can name three players without going to Wikipedia. Including Jeter, there are now 11 members of the 3,000-hit club with one team.

Both Alex and Roberto ripped on Jose Bautista who now leads the MLB with 31 homeruns. In eight seasons, he averages 28 homeruns a season. Last year he hit 54, his career high. You call it steroids; I call it a hitting streak… And homeruns de-valued? If I was an MLB owner I want the talent who can drop bombs over getting hits for one reason; homeruns score runs, hits only touch bases. And you HAD to go there with the Barry Bonds comment… it’s no secret that I will forever defend Barry Bonds (read my blog MVP- Man Vs Procession and any one who has the God given talent for the long ball.

Titans Bill- my good friend, you really think the Titans should re-sign Vince Young or go after Terrelle Pryor? HAHA

You don’t like Jake Locker because you’ve heard negative talk from the scouts… (so you are listening to the draft experts) but then you say don’t listen to Todd McShay and Mel Kiper Jr when it comes to NFL draft experts? Huh? So listen to whom, your analogies about movie critics? Titans Bill, YOU ARE CRAZY!

Steve from Lexington- wow! You can’t make that shit up! After his Star Wars story and the way he says “crutin” (his deep southern accent lacks enunciation for the word recruiting) is just classic southern comedy. Alex, you asked if Steve was going to Goat’s party and once Steve called in, you didn’t ask him if he was going! But seriously, Steve from Lexington doesn’t need to try any treats that were served at Goat’s tasting party.

Alex, I love your show-there’s no reason for you to hide behind your sunglasses. HAHA

Monday, July 4, 2011


In March, the NFL collective bargaining agreement expired and they continue negating a new CBA. On July 1st at 12:01AM the NBA collective bargaining agreement expired and the NBA lockout began. Owners say they have lost over $300 million this season and the lockout will last until the new CBA gives all 30 teams a chance to make a profit.

The average NBA player makes $4.8million a year- the highest average salary of all professional sports leagues in the world. The average salary for an NFL player is $1.9 million. Most of us common folk could make either salary last a life time, but these baller’s might be willing to give up a Bentley to keep a vacation home in Hawaii.

The bottom line is that the NFL issue is about dividing up the money and the NBA issue is about dividing up money and having the bigger market teams give money back to the smaller markets teams so all the teams are profitable. Has David Stern lost his mind with a redistribution of wealth system in the NBA? We’re talking about teams with billions of dollars and teams with millions of dollars… I have no sympathy.

I don’t think the NFL or the NBA will have enough balls to cancel their entire seasons, but don’t count on seeing the best year in sports from either league after the lockout. There’s no off season in any sport. Players need to stay in shape, treat medical issues, study play books, attend training camps and physically practice together. Without an off season to strengthen the players, expect a weak playing season.

Wait, does Brett Favre know about this lockout? His dream schedule is only showing up on game day… and he does hold the record for the most retirements. Favre from over?

I’m not scared that we won’t have a 2011 season- we will. And I’m not scared of the disappointing season; as a Redskins fan I’m used to disappointment.

This is why we can never physically organize a paycheck system for college athletes: you can scare the fans by locking-out the NFL or the NBA seasons, but please sports Gods; you can never lockout college football! If college athletes were paid to play the game (on top of a free education and all the improper gifts- I support both) they could join together and also decide not to play because the day would come when the player’s paychecks would pass the university presidents and neither side would agree on bridging the gap. A lockout in college football, now that’s scary!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Liar, Liar Vest on Fire

Has Obama declared the state of Ohio under a state of emergency? In the past year they lost LeBron in the Decision and now the holy grail of the state has lost its savior and his disciples in what seems to be a never ending story of lies and betrayal.

Ohio State fans are really going to be singing Hang On Sloopy to get through this debacle of an embarrassment to the BCS and the NCAA. Ohio State fans have had a spell cast on them through the choirboy image of Jim Tressel and his sweater vest.

First, Coach Knight is the only coach in sports who should be allowed to wear a sweater vest in public.

Buckeyes across the world felt a cold, cold day in hell as they learned the sweater vest of Jim Tressel was simply a cover up to hide the lack of integrity for Ohio State and college football. I wonder how many tattoos Tressel’s hiding under his sweater vest….

I can’t be the only one who saw through the vest. I knew during the Sugar Bowl when Jim Tressel claimed he knew nothing about the improper gifts that six of his star players received, including QB, Terrelle Pryor. Tressel allowed them to play in the Sugar Bowl and then with the help of the NCAA were the players suspended for the first five meaningless games for the 2011 season. Tressel showed a complete lack of integrity, respect for the game and failing as a leader to make a stand based on honesty and principle. I knew then, and we all know now that Tressel is a fraud and that he couldn’t hide behind the vest forever.

On May 30th, Tressel resigned as head football coach of Ohio Sate University. Sports Illustrated featured an investigation about the depth of Tressel’s ignorance in their June 6th issue and the story keeps adding new chapters. “The Fall of Jim Tressel” dates back to 1988 at Youngtown State, turning his head on the character of Maurice Clarett and Troy Smith and his partnerships with Robert Baker and other boosters who were play makers in his game plan to foster his NCAA violations.

How dumb and ignorant can Jim Tressel be to think he could violate the NCAA bylaw 10.1 -Unethical Conduct three times and still have a throne for millions of pompous fans reminding us they can spell a four letter word and bow down to worship him? He is one dumb nut!

I’m not picking on Tressel for allowing his players to accept improper gifts, but for his ignorance in one of the greatest sports ever played. Honestly, I think it’s an out-dated rule, but it’s still a rule violation and playing dumb is clearly the best move in Jim Tressel’s play book. In my opinion, as long as the tuition for non-athletes doesn’t increase, I don’t have a problem with players pimping out their talents for “gifts”.

My hero, Coach Bob Knight, is an Ohio State Alumni and I couldn’t agree more with his statement on the issue: “I understand what's happened and there was a rule that was violated. But it was an idiotic rule. I think this NCAA that we're currently involved with is so far out of touch with the integrity of the sport that it's just amazing," Knight said.

The issue of “improper” gifts will never be fully regulated, EVER! It’s a lot like steroids in MLB; every one’s doing it, but not every ones getting caught and Ohio State just got BUSTED! Tim Tebow might be the only college athlete who said no to “improper” gifts from fans, nightclubs, tattoo parlors, and groupies.

So here we are, weeks after witnessing the fall of Ohio State and still the story continues to add new headlines about what an embarrassment they are to college football. And the NCAA thought the University of Tennessee had issues… HA!

Well Ohioans, you still have something to be proud of- the 1989 movie; Major League.

Jake Taylor: I play for the Indians.
Chaire Holloway: Here in Cleveland? I didn't know they still had a team!
Jake Taylor: Yup, we've got uniforms and everything, it's really great!

Friday, May 20, 2011

MVP- Man Vs. Prosecution

On April 13, 2011, Barry Bonds was convicted of obstruction of justice for his testimony in front of a grand jury during the 2003 BALCO steroid scandal.

Bill Clinton was also accused of obstruction of justice for the famous Monica Lewinsky scandal and then later he was acquitted by the Senate. The difference between Bill and Barry is that Bill finally admitted to sexual relations while Barry has never changed his statement of ever knowingly using performance enhancer drugs.

Bond’s isn’t on trial for using steroids but for allegedly lying to a grand jury about ever knowingly using illegal steroids. Bonds said that he used a clear substance and a cream that he received from his personal trainer, Greg Anderson, who told him they were the nutritional supplement flaxseed oil and a rubbing balm for arthritis. Have you ever questioned the ingredients in your daily hygiene products?

I use Banana Boat Aloe lotion daily. I have no idea what it’s made of. All I know is that I hate scented lotions and it passes the smell test while keeping my skins nourished. However, I did look at the ingredients and words like Glyceryl and Triethanolamine still leave me saying I have no idea what it is made of.

I grew up playing ball with the boys, but when you’re the smallest kid on the field, you draw a lot of walks. The only time I really had a chance to “hit” was in T-ball. But even if I was allowed to swing at the high ones (or at any of them) I know that hitting is a skill. Hitting is a God given talent and there is no amount of “magic cream” that could ever enhance my hand-eye coordination to take a round ball, with a round bat and hit it square while moving 90-some miles an hour with enough power to send it 400 feet in the stands. I don’t even think there are drugs that could help me hit homeruns on Wii baseball- and I’m athletic.

I understand that Bonds was paid millions for his talents and he knew that there was a list of drugs that are banned from MLB. Ultimately- blame Greg Anderson and then let it go. Anderson served his time and he might be one of the most loyal friends you could ever have. But there is nothing that Anderson gave or could ever give to Bonds that could compare with his God-given ability to hit 762 homeruns.

Blame Bud Selig for turning his head during an era where baseball made millions off the long ball. Call it a strike or call it a ball, but the “Steriod Era” saved baseball. And at the end of the era, Bud isn’t your buddy.

Ozzie Guillen said on an episode of E:60 that “Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire saved this game (baseball) with the homeruns. A lot of people made money. It made baseball fun.” Jeremy Schaap asked Ozzie if he would have used performance enhancing drugs when he played in the 1980 and 90’s. Ozzie answered “YES, because you have to compete against guys who are using them.”

But can steroids really help you in baseball? The Mitchell report made baseball players look like pharmacists. So if everyone was juicing, why wasn’t everyone hitting bombs in left field?

Bobby Bonds- was a triple threat in the 70’s with his power, hitting and speed. He was the first player to have more than two seasons of 30 homeruns and 30 stolen bases- a record he set five times and has only been matched by his son, Barry. Bobby and Barry are the most accomplished father-son combination in MLB history. They hold the record for combined homeruns, RBIs and stolen bases.

Bobby hit 332 bombs and stole 461 bases during his thirteen year career. Like father, like son. Barry grew up on the diamond -where the tools of a future Hall of Famer were mastered. Power, hitting and speed were in Barry’s genes, but his combination of throwing and fielding earned him 514 career stolen bases, eight golden gloves, a fourteen time All-Star and seven MVP awards (no one has more than three). And the accomplishments continue. Barry was a Hall of Fame player before he was crowned the Homerun King and long before the steroid allegations.

U.S. District Judge Susan Richard Illston declared a mistrial. Illston set a hearing for May 20, where she's expected to rule on the defense's request that the guilty verdict be thrown out and to set a sentencing date. Two things I have learned from the Fed’s $100 million dollar obsession to prosecute Barry Bonds is that no one should ever date Kimberly Bell and that there’s no truth that steroids help you hit homeruns- the only truth to steroids in MLB is that testing positive to for them is illegal.

PS. If a “cream” can really enhance your size, I could think of a lot of other places both males and females would be applying “the cream”… just saying.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fantasy League

An estimated 27 million people play in fantasy leagues. There are leagues for just about every sport. Fantasy is fun because the fans get to act like the owner and the GM. I’m dedicated to playing in fantasy leagues year round. I even left the bar at an all-inclusive resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for a draft two years ago.

I enjoy playing, its fun and it’s not THAT serious. The draft is important to me because when you play in more than one league and have a job where fantasy stalking is frowned upon, remembering to make changes to my team isn’t on my daily to-do list. I’m going to be honest, I’m just happy when I can remember my log-in password.

A League of Their Own
is one of the leagues I currently play in. It’s the most dysfunctional fantasy league! Full of egos, trash talkers, haterade drinking, beer belly, drunk texting- funny son of a Bush’s!

The league manager, Team Time to Repeat is the cockiest player. He is OBSESSED with winning (you’d think this Butch Sowers prodigy would say he’s won enough in his career as a little leaguer, but he just can’t let it go). Jones is known for pulling a shady move whenever he feels a threat of losing, but still we play in his leagues.

Last week there was a trade offer between Team Queef Hernandez and Team Hamel Toe and after reading the message board posts, the world of fantasy turned into a nightmare!

Allegedly, Big Bush- who is known for drinking a beer or two sent Byron a text with the following trade offer:

ROD traded Buster Posey, SF C to Hernandez
ROD traded Starlin Castro, ChC SS to Hernandez
ROD traded B.J. Upton, TB OF to Hernandez
ROD traded Ben Zobrist, TB 2B to Hernandez
ROD traded Ryan Howard, Phi 1B to Hernandez
ROD traded Chase Headley, SD 3B to Hernandez
ROD traded Roy Oswalt, Phi SP to Hernandez
ROD traded Huston Street, Col RP to Hernandez

BUSH traded Geovany Soto, ChC C to Toe
BUSH traded Gaby Sanchez, Fla 1B to Toe
BUSH traded Jimmy Rollins, Phi SS to Toe
BUSH traded Carl Crawford, Bos OF to Toe
BUSH traded Matt Kemp, LAD OF to Toe
BUSH traded Casey McGehee, Mil 3B to Toe
BUSH traded John Axford, Mil RP to Toe
BUSH traded Mat Latos, SD SP to Toe

Jones had the league vote and yes, I voted for it because it’s not even May. There’s so much baseball to be played and injuries are going to happen. But I guess I’m the only one who wasn’t scared because it was vetoed quicker than Terrell’s fastball.

The problem: Team Hamel Toe is loved and hated for the same reason; he wins- a lot! He’s also my twin brother so I’ll always be his biggest fan, but I may be the only one who doesn’t mind losing to him because I know he spends hours daily on his fantasy teams. He follows his players on twitter, stalks their facebook pages and there’s a good chance he has their autograph- with the time he invests, he should win! He’s a great fantasy player because he knows everything that is going on in the game at any given time and uses it to his advantage.

At 11:32am the first message board post was made about the conspiracy theory against Byron so he doesn’t win, again. At 10:43am the following day and 86 posts later, the board was full of curve ball comments, the Goose was loose, Jones pooped his pants- all while Big Bush played power hour for every shady comment Jones made about how cool he is.

It’s not everyday that I side with Jared, who has the worst taste in ACC basketball, but I agree with his post “This sh**s f***in hilarious! Ya'll are crackin me up!” What he said next, is completely inappropriate.

But seriously, if you have time to post on the message board ALLL day- you are living a fantasy life. The rest of us (except Jones- who drinks his own Kool-aid) are just jealous that we can’t spend as much time with our teams like Byron.

*Jones- this is all in good fun. Thanks for being a fan of my blog!

Monday, April 18, 2011

April- the Best Month in Sports

Pat Riley was once quoted for saying “I feel like a mosquito in a nudist colony: I know what to do; I just don’t know where to start” -classic Mr. Riley. I feel the same way about sports in the month of April. There’s so much excitement as seasons start and other seasons end; it can be as overwhelming as walking into a casino sports book for the first time.

April starts with Opening Day at major league ball parks across the country. Overall attendance for the MLB was up .3 percent from Opening Day in 2010. The Texas Rangers, the defending AL Champs, have started strong. Two weeks into the season and AL MVP, Josh Hamilton who is cursed with injuries, is already out for six to eight weeks after sustaining a fracture in his upper arm while diving into home plate. Prince Fielder remains the chubbiest vegetarian in baseball, Elvis Andrus is still one of the most exciting young players to watch and Boston might be in for a long season.

Then we had the final four match ups to lead into the NCAA Championship game. Brackets were busted and dogs looked more like puppies, but it’s always fun to see Cinderella’s in the dance.

A few days later, we witnessed a tradition like no other: The Masters! For 75 years the Masters is still one of the most prestigious golf tournaments. Rich in tradition and a course where history lives through the greenery- history was made again in Augusta when the first South African, Charl Schwartzel, won the Masters by two strokes.

The NHL conference quarterfinals are being played over the next two weeks for a best of seven series. The defending Stanley Cup Champs, the Chicago Blackhawks, ar down 0-3 to the Vancouver Canucks. The pressure is on for the Capitals. Washington has the talent, a Russian Spy and a fan base that needs to see their team reach the conference finals and bring home the Stanley Cup in June!

The NBA Playoffs, like the NHL playoffs, are going on at the same time and begin with the sweet 16 and play a best of seven series to see who will cut down the nets and hold up the Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy. Kobe Bryant and Derek Fisher both have played in the NBA for 14 years; both have five championship rings- all with Phil Jackson and the Los Angeles Lakers. It’s hard to bet against what Bryant, Fisher and Jackson are capable of when they’re all on the same team. Chicago and Michael Jordan have already started the Derrick Rose MVP chant, but Rose better sink a three-pointer if he wants to get the Bulls to the Eastern Conference Finals. I’ve put the circus in American Airlines Arena behind me, now it’s time for LeBron, Wade and Bosh to take there talents to the NBA Championship game.

NASCAR and Major League Soccer are also in season. Jimmie Johnson beat Clint Bowyer by 0.002 seconds with a push from teammate Dale Earnhardt Jr. to win in Talladega. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, but it’s not as popular in the States. Over all there was a 4 percent increase in attendance from 2009 to 2010. The MLS season just kicked off so there is hope for fan growth in MLS.

To end April’s shower of sporting events, April 28th is the first round of the NFL draft. Despite the NFL lockout, there will still be a draft and we the fans, have our fingers crossed that there will still be a 2011 season.

And for more entertainment- E:60 returns on Tuesday nights with the best stories in sports! In sports, there’s no off-season and April is the best month to be in the game. It’s easy to be overwhelmed, but just like in any sports book- sit back and enjoy the games.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dog Fight to Puppy Chow

The Butler Bulldogs got a second chance to bring home a National Championship banner, but only if they could tame the UCONN Huskies.

Butler started the season ranked 18th in the ESPN/USA Today Coaches' Preseason Poll. The University of Connecticut did not receive a single vote. No one expected the NCAA Championship game end like this!

The first half of the Championship game ended with a 3-point buzzer beater by Butlers Shelvin Mack to give the Bulldogs a 22-19 lead. This is a National Championship game and the halftime score is 22-19?? My favorite Tennessee VOLS radio Co-host, Alex, tweeted: AAESPN1180 I thought the women’s game was tomorrow night?

This dog fight looked more like puppy chow. With only 41 combined points at the half ranks as the lowest scoring fist half of any NCAA title game during the shot clock ear.

You could call it great defense, great guard play or as Charles Barkley would say “turrrible” shooting. Butler was 1/19 for 2-point field goals, 6/22 on 3-point field goals and 0 points in the paint with thirteen minutes to go in the second half. This isn’t the Butler team I expected to see…

Most dogs will eat anything, but Kemba and the Huskies gave Butler a taste of Big East physical basketball and all Butler could eat was brick after brick. The last time a team was held under 50 points in a title game was in 1949- Jim Calhoun was 6 years old.

I’m pretty sure this was the worst shooting game EVER in college basketball. It was almost painful at times. I feel bad for these kids, I feel bad for Brad Stevens and I feel bad for anyone who believes in Cinderella. Butler is the 4th team in history to lose back-to-back National Championship Games… AHH the Fab-Five Curse strikes this year’s bracket again!

There was no Disney ending for the Butler Bulldogs, but in Indianapolis and at mid-major schools across the country the Bulldogs story is one most could only dream of. The basketball gods may not be a fan of Cinderella’s, but if the future of college basketball is in the hands of coaches like Brad Stevens- college basketball is in good hands.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Bracket

It’s been the year of the quarterback in football, the year of the pitcher in baseball and in college basketball it might be the year of the Bracket.

Most college basketball fans only watch key games throughout the season. But once the calendar hits Selection Sunday, fans come back to college basketball and the madness of the Bracket begins.

As a fan of college basketball, I couldn’t imagine only watching Duke and UNC and still be as excited about the NCAA tournament. Then again, if you were going to take a season off of college basketball, this was the year to be on the bench. Overall, there isn’t a team that is consistently a great team.

This season there were a lot of turnovers, a lot of sloppy plays, too many unnecessary fouls, more dunks, more want-a-be ESPN highlight moves and shorts that could be used as sleeping bags.

College basketball is about playing smart, using the fundamentals to win as a team and respecting the game. There’s a trend to why it wasn’t a great season for college basketball and call me crazy, but it starts with the size of the players shorts. They looked more like pants on the players and the players didn’t get any bigger from last season. It only makes sense that if your ‘shorts’ are too big and with most guards thinking that dribbling has to be in between your legs then of course the turnovers will sore!

The NBA has never been more represented in past seasons as it has this year. Most of these kids come into college with a one and done attitude and the focus isn’t on winning as a team, but on winning for the next level.

The next level should be the NCAA Tournament Bracket. Ahh, let the Madness begin! The NCAA Tournament expanded from 64 to 68 teams this year. If you can’t get in this year, you’ll never get in!

It’s no secret that I love to pick on Virginia Tech and seeing Hokie fans going crazy about not being invited to the dance for the fourth straight year is more entertaining than an episode of Jersey Shore. Virginia Tech barely had one meaningful win over Duke in Cassell Coliseum. The Hokies lost to Virginia and Georgia Tech twice and finishing 9-7 in a weak ACC conference are not resume highlights. Tech failed to show they had quality road wins, they won’t play CAA teams and when it really mattered, the Blue Devils embarrassed the Hokies in the ACC tournament.

An irate Seth Greenberg believes there is a conspiracy theory among the NCAA tournament selection committee. We all know that only Tech fans are shocked when they learn that not everyone on planet earth is a Hokie fan. I think at orientation they tell the students that being a Hokie means they are entitled to success. I guess the selection committee missed orientation… Mr. Greenberg, they don’t give you points for having Hokie pride.

The tournament field expanded to 64 in 1985 and Tech is the sixth team to beat a number one seeded team, have a winning record in the conference and still not be asked to dance. It’s not a conspiracy; it’s just asking the BEST teams in college basketball to go to the dance.

Since 1985, no number one seed has lost in the first round, 8 have lost in the National Championship game and 14 have won the National Championship. Seeds 1-4 are usually pretty safe picks through the sweet 16. Seeds 5-8 have one National Championship (Villanova as an 8 seed in 1985). Seeds 9-16 have never won a National Championship and we all remember the Cinderella in 2006 as the number 11 seed George Mason made it to the final four. Every year a 12 seed upsets a 5th seeded team.

BYU, a number 3 seed has a healthy Jimmer Fredette- who leads the nation in scoring at 28.5 points per game. He can Jimmer-Jammer on the road too. ODU, a number 9 seed is one of the best defensive teams in the bracket. Big East teams are accustom to playing rough and tend to get into foul trouble in the tournament. Tennessee could be the sleeper and St. John’s has proven they can play with anyone.

Despite the history of the tournament statistics I just have a feeling that if Duke doesn’t win back-to-back Championships, then we might be in for another Cinderella story, only this time the slipper will dance them all the way to an NCAA Championship.

One statistic that is always true: The bracket is madness, but it’s magical.

Choose wisely.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Championships. Traditions. Rivalries. Respect. Welcome to SEC Football.

With five National Championships by four different schools in the past five years, it’s easy to crown the SEC as the most dominant football conference in the NCAA. The SEC has the most BCS bowl game appearances and has won the most bowl games out of any other football conference. It’s a conference where every player, every coach and every fan expects their team to win.

The SEC has some of the best known traditions in college sports. Tailgating is a tradition where generations of alumni and fans gather in southern style. Traditions are past down and memories are made. Game days unite communities with their hero’s by an entrance that is a tradition every fan wants to experience. Each parade is different, but the tradition is the same. Old Miss and Alabama have The Walk of Champions, Tennessee- the VOL Walk, LSU- the March Down the Hill, Vanderbilt’s Star Walk, Kentucky’s Cat Walk, Florida’s Gator Walk, Mississippi State and Georgia’s Dawg Walk, Aubrun’s Tiger Walk and Arkansas- A Walk are all sacred steps to every home game.

Some traditions are unique, some we don’t always understand but these traditions are part of SEC pride. LSU is one of the few schools that use an “H” style goal post so players can run through it from the endzone and they mark the yard lines by the five yard-line, not just by the ten yard-line. Alabama’s Rammer Jammer Cheer, the Gator Chomp, the Grove at Old Miss, Auburn’s Toomer’s Corner, Georgia’s Uga, Mississippi State’s cow bell, South Carolina’s Cockaboose Railroad and Tennessee’s Rock, the forming for the “T” and playing of Rocky Top are all iconic traditions in college football.

Rivalries in the SEC are unlike any other in college football. There are games that have been played for centuries, games that can change your season and games that can end a coaching contract. When you play in the SEC you’re not just playing to win, you’re playing for pride.
The Iron Bowl: Alabama- Auburn
The Halloween Game: Tennessee- South Carolina
The Egg Bowl: Mississippi State- Arkansas
The Magnolia Bowl: LSU – Ole Miss
The Largest Cocktail Party: Florida-Georgia
The Third Saturday in October: Alabama- Tennessee
The Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry: Auburn-Georgia

The state of Alabama is divided. At an early age you have to choose; Roll Tide or War Eagle. There’s no in between, you have to choose and that’s what makes the Iron Bowl match up one of the best rivalries in college football. But what happens when the rivalry goes too far?

Alabama fans were not the only college football fans that didn’t drink the Cammy Cam juice. I don’t have to explain why Cam Newton should not have been eligible or why this championship may be in the history books with asterisk. But soon, he’ll have to give back his Heisman Trophy. We all know that the Newton case isn’t closed. So I can’t help but wonder the timeline of the poisoning of Toomer’s Corner along with the NCAA investigations… Wednesday afternoon NCAA investigators had interviewed four individuals about Auburn football recruiting tactics, but the main story for Auburn was about an Alabama fan; Harvey Updyke Jr., a 62 years old man who poisoned the oak trees with herbicide known as Spike 80DF after Auburn beat Alabama in the Iron Bowl.

On January 27th Updyke called the Paul Finebaum radio show and announced that he had applied the herbicide to the soil of the 130-year old oak trees.

Soil samples were collected January 27th after the show and quickly processed by the Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory.

On February 7th Auburn Police launched a police investigation and without delay located Updyke.

On February 16th, the same day as the NCAA investigator had interviewed four individuals about Auburns recruiting tactics, Auburn announced on their website and to the media without having Updyke in custody, the news of the Oaks being poisoned.

On February 17th Updyk was arrested with a $50,000 bond facing a felony and ten years in prison.

If Auburn knew about the herbicide for more than a week and then released the information about Updyke before the police had his mug shot… maybe this was a coincidence to distract any NCAA findings in the soil of Jordan-Hare Stadium or maybe it was planned…

Auburn quickly took the pride from Alabama’s glory by beating them in the Iron Bowl and then winning the National Championship a year after Alabama. Even with all the
NCAA investigations, Alabama fans showed their respect for playing in the SEC. Alabama established Tide for Toomer’s, a fund for Crimson Tide fans to contribute money to Auburn University’s efforts to rehabilitate or replace the poisoned trees. In only a few days, over 35 thousand dollars had been raised by Alabama fans.

Paul Finebaum said the rivalry between Alabama and Auburn would only get worse and Alabama would retaliate- taking the rivalry to a whole new level… well Mr. Finebaum, the rivalry is strong, but the respect is stronger. Welcome to the SEC!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Going Green

Here we go.-again. This will be the eighth Super Bowl appearance for the Pittsburgh Steelers and the most among any other team in the NFL. We should just call them the Lord of the Rings with their six Super Bowl rings. Steeler Nation is everywhere and that “Here, we go…” song gets stuck in your head longer than “I whip my hair back and forth”. And just as one song ends you have to hear “Black and Yellow- Black and Yellow”. Music from Pittsburgh should be banned.

It’s this time of year when fans start to jump on the Steeler bandwagon and pretend that they’ve been a singing fan all season long. PLEASE STOP SINGING THAT DAMN SONG! It’s been stuck in my head for days and I would never cheer for Ben Roethlisberger.

The Rooney family is one of the most well known families in sports and they expect their players to win on and off the field. They are good people and give back to the city. However, one player who continues to lose off the field is a 6’5, wildebeest looking quarter back; Ben Roethlisberger. We all know if Ben sees a hole, he’ll make sure he gets it in- there’s not always a camera around but there’s a lot of people who would love to see Haloti Ngata break his nose again!

Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard to bet against the Steelers when Roethlisberger is in the pocket. He’s one of the toughest players in the league to sack, but he took his biggest hit when for the second time in less than a year he was accused of rape. He was never charged in either incident (cough.. money talks) but then Goodell sentenced him to four games on the bench. I hate to say it, but since the suspension he’s been on a straight path in his road to redemption and so far he’s leading his team the Super Bowl. (I just threw up in my mouth.)

So what happened to the J-E-T-S JETS? I was really hoping that Sexy Sanchez would show BigBen who the real leader on the field is, and then… he wiped a booger on backup QB Mark Brunell… really? So much for being sexy… And where did the real Rex go?

Rex Ryan changed his game plan the week before the AFC Championship match up with the Steelers. What? Rex has made the “it’s personal” comment and continued to stand by his team as the team that is going to win the Super Bowl. Talking tough throughout the entire season is part of the Jets game plan that was loaded with F-bombs and comedy that the media and viewers loved! Then, the week of the AFC Championship game we get a soft, over complementing and full of Pittsburgh praise Rex. Wes Welker must have really stumped his little toe with all those foot-bombs…

Here’s a bomb: You have to play four quarters to win in the NFL and to beat the Steelers, you better play your best four quarters. The Jets were a little too late in their 19 point run and shutting down BigBen in the second half.

I hope someone gave Sanchez a terrible towel to blow his nose… oh, wait. Don’t do that! Its bad luck and the AFC Championship game fell on the same as Myron Cope’s, the creator behind the terrible towel and best known for being the voice of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Birthday.

The Jets may have lost their chance to play for a Lombardi Trophy, but I will still be wearing green on Super Bowl Sunday.

This will be the Packers fifth trip to the Super Bowl, but for 51 of the players this will be their first Super Bowl appearance. And for the Cheese-Heads everywhere, they want the Championship belt to make an appearance in the end zone. Aaron Rodgers might be wearing an invisible Championship belt, but he is wearing the biggest cleats in the league. His entire career he has been in the shadow of Brett Favre. No player wants the pressure of replacing a legend, but with four more quarters- Rodgers could be Legendary.

Green Bay is a 2.5 point favor over Pittsburgh. Rodger That!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Stanford 3, NCAA 0

There’s no question that the University of Connecticut is a power house in the world of women’s basketball. The Lady Vols are one of the biggest rivalries for the Lady Huskies and that rivalry extends to the tension between Tennessee Coach Pat Summitt and UConn Coach Geno Auriemma. Stanford started a new rival when they lost to the Lady Huskies 53-47 in the 2010 NCAA Championship game and with UConn on a 90 game winning streak the two met again on December 30th. Stanford beat UConn 71-59 and also ranked as the most watched regular-season women's basketball game in ESPN history. Point Stanford.

Stanford scored again when they embarrassed Virginia Tech 40-12 in the 2011 Discover Orange Bowl and proving again that the Hokies are consistently the most overrated team in college football. The loss to Stanford makes Virginia Tech 1-19 against top five ranked teams under head Coach Frank Beamer. While Virginia Tech continues to be exposed to their team’s ability to fail in the spotlight, Stanford knows how to shine.

Andrew Luck is a winner on and off the football field. This season of college football seems to of had more focus on quarterbacks who received improper gifts and money in an exchange for their talents (Cough… Auburn…Cough…Ohio State) and having more attention on individual player violations and he said, she said of the investigations. The hero of the year goes to the kid that understands why it’s called COLLEGE football- Andrew Luck.

College Gameday is always entertaining with Kirk Herbstreit, Lee Corso, Chris Flower and Desmond Howard and you never know what clever signs you will see from fans in the background. But somehow the violations and investigations continued to be a segment on the show. Andrew Luck is a red shirt sophomore QB, the runner up for the Heisman Trophy and considered to be the overall number one draft pick in the 2011 NFL draft. Luck has decided that he will pass up being the number one pick and millions of dollars because he is committed to earning his degree in architectural design at Stanford University.

While this decision is some what shocking, I find it refreshing. Here’s a kid who see’s the value in college football. It’s not about the NFL money; it’s about the experience and the value of a college education. The NCAA can take away the Heisman Trophy, but they can not take away your diploma. Point Stanford.

Arkansas and Ohio State played in the Allstate Sugar Bowl for what sounded like a great SEC-Big Ten match up until the reports that five Ohio State players; Quarterback Terrelle Pryor, leading rusher Dan Herron, wide receiver DeVier Posey, All-Big Ten offensive tackle Mike Adams and a backup defensive end Solomon Thomas will be suspended after the Sugar Bowl for five games for accepting improper gifts and for selling team memorabilia.

Suspending them AFTER the Bowl game? Are you kidding me? The NCAA should be embarrassed that they altered their out of date rules to please a bully, Sugar Bowl CEO-Paul Hoolahan, to ensure the sponsors would see Ohio State’s most talented players on the field. I understand that when the best players are playing- the number of viewers will increase AKA: the more people that are exposed to the marketing campaign of the sponsors. But where is the respect for the integrity of the game, the Arkansas players who witnessed cheaters win and how can the NCAA hold any coach, player and team accountable for their actions when the NCAA can not follow their own rules?

I’ve always said that if Coach Knight (my hero) wasn’t an Ohio State Alumni, I wouldn’t have a reason to like them. Jim Tressel and Ohio State had the opportunity to stand for something and they blew it! Instead of choosing to stand for rules, honesty and the value of the game, they chose money. And we wonder why their players chose money too… Coach Knight remains the only man in a sweater from Ohio State who can say they stand for something.

The NCAA did not suspend the players for the Sugar Bowl because they "did not receive adequate rules education during the time period the violations occurred." SERIOUSLY? I hope Allstate makes idiot insurance, because I know a football team that will need full coverage. Have you ever told a cop the reason you were speeding was because you “didn’t know the speed limit”? As a driver, it’s your responsibility to know the speed limit. As a NCAA player, it’s part of the game to know the rules on and off the field.

The worst part is that NFL agents will have as many of these players in the 2011 draft and they will never see a punishment for violating NCAA rules. There’s more than one person to blame for this loss, but the NCAA is the biggest loser.