Monday, October 3, 2011

Lady Luck!

The sports gods were looking out for me during week of two NFL games. I play in a weekly pick-em style pool and by playing smart, I WON! Instead of being responsible with the win and saving the money, I booked a flight to Dallas for the Monday Night match up between my Washington Redskins and arch rival the Dallas Cowboys.

The sports gods were still on my team the next day when I was given three tickets to the game. Did I mention they were cushioned seats, seven rows from the field and on the fifty yard line? BALLLLLLIN!

Yes, I’m very thankful and lucky to know the White family who gave me the tickets. They invite me to EVERY home Redskins game with my own parking pass. I have no idea how I got so lucky, but I am forever indebted by the generosity of the White family.

While boarding the flight, the airline announced that all Dallas fans would board last. I literally laughed out loud. The man next to me didn’t find the comment as humorous as I did- he must have been a Dallas fan…

I was so excited the day before my flight that I couldn’t sleep until I boarded the airplane. Like most small children, I fall asleep in moving vehicles when I’m the passenger. I was out cold before I could hear that “the closest exit could be behind you.”

I landed early enough to still get Chik-fil-a breakfast, my favorite! At this point I was pretty sure my luck was going to run out and that I was going to get beat-up by a crazy Dallas fan… Cooler is packed with ice, tailgate shopping is complete and my Brandon Banks jersey is on! Oh, it’s game time now!

As a die-hard Redskins fan (don’t laugh, I’m loyal) I will give it to Dallas fans, they were pretty cool. Southern hospitality and Dallas drunks; what a great combination!

This fantasy of a stadium in Arlington, TX is really a FANTASY stadium! I’ve never denied that I would love to spend a day with Jerry Jones, he seems fun. And then he built Cowboy Stadium and now I really want to high-five Jerry in person! Every inch of the stadium is first class, crystal clean and full of entertainment. Oh and that big screen you’ve heard about… my neck still hurts from looking at it. Who ever said “everything is big in Texas” wasn’t joking. Well done Jerry Jones, well done!

Just as I was trying to send a thank you text to the White’s I turn around for the BEST surprise and see the White’s in Redskins jerseys! Knowing that staying in my seat and being quiet are two skills I consistently lack, they showed up and made sure I had Redskins fans behind me.

I’ll be honest; this was the calmest I’ve ever been during a Redskins loss. Not because as a Redskins fan I’m used to losing, but because the atmosphere was so much fun. I’m still shocked that Dallas fans were so fun; I laughed more than I yelled. We all knew the game was more like watching a soccer game than a football game. The truth is that both the Redskins and the Cowboys haven’t been the teams they “used to be” in the past few years, but the rivalry and respect is still strong. As much as we hate each other on the field, we both hate the Eagles more.

Dallas won the game, but when it comes to the cheerleaders- both teams are beautiful but based on hair-ography and choreography- the Redskinettes win, hands down!

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