Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wash it Out

The butterflies are multiplying in my stomach while I was watching game five of the World Series. Of course, I had to work so I was on my best “fan behavior” although being quiet and staying still are etiquettes that do not apply to me. My bartenders have learned to root for my teams because when they score, I let them take shots! But with Chris Carpenter on the mound for the Cardinals, they too were worried it would be a sober night…

Thank you sports Gods for the Year of the Napoli! Rangers Catcher Mike Napoli dropped a bomb off Carpenter in Game one of the World Series and then BOOOOM- he hit a game winning double in the 8th to give Texas a 4-2 lead.

But the story that’s been on the sports headlines ALLLL DAY is the “miscommunication” of Tony La Russa to the bullpen. We all know La Russa is one of the best brains in baseball. Personally- I think he was trying to save closer Jason Motte and when he realized his backup plan didn’t go as planned- he blamed the bullpen phone. They still make phones with cords? In a world of more tech-communication devices then we know what to do with, there’s NO EXCUSE. Even if the power goes out, hold up a poster board with random pictures like the Oregon Ducks to communicate to your team. Or have your daughter tweet who you want, well- that tweet might get removed…

“Miscommunication” was clearly the topic of discussion in the world of sports on Tuesday, but no one was talking about what was clearly communicated by St. Louis pitcher Chris Carpenter while heading to a commercial after the sixth inning.

Adrenalin… tourettes… anger management… nope. It’s just another Carpenter profanity outburst directed to Napoli that’s as dirty and nasty as his sinker.

The G-rated translation went something like this: "BEEEP YOU!" "You piece of BEEEEP! BEEEEP YOU!"

Who knew you needed a permission slip to watch game five of the World Series.

Is this an unseen trailer of the Situation and Ronnie on the Jersey Shore? Show some class Carpenter! I get it if you’re emotions are getting the best of you and sometimes the F-bomb is the only word that delivers any verbal justice. But to attack Napoli by calling him a piece of beeeep is like pretending to fist pump and then sucker punching someone in the face. NOT COOL BRO, NOT COOL!

The Texas Rangers- now that’s a cool team and what a fun team to watch. I’m partial, shortstop Elvis Andrus is a good friend of mine- he’s like a lil brother. But I’ve been a Ranger’s fan before Elvis arrived in Texas. Seriously, how can you root against the most energetic Skipper, Ron Washington and his signature “The Wash” move? Every time the Rangers make a key play he looks like he’s playing a running/track game on the Nintendo Power Pad and it’s simply awesome! Who ever said baseball is not fun to watch clearly hasn’t been watching the Texas Rangers all season.

Carpenter, you can have your dirty mouth and I’ll watch Ron Washington’s Rangers “Wash” it out!

Click here to see the YouTube video of “The Wash”.

Click here if you want to watch a replay of Carpenter I found on YouTube, but you will need a permission slip for this one…

1 comment:

  1. While I can see why it happened, I do have to agree with you that these guys need to understand (you would think they do already) that they're literally the center of attention. There's not a moment in the game that a camera isn't focused on them and it's silly to think that the people at home won't pick that sort of thing up.

    On the other hand, if an outburst like that is warranted (I use warranted because it does show a great deal of passion for your game and Lord knows the stakes are high enough) then why not explode into your glove like many pitchers do? I've seen countless pitchers talk out their frustration into their own glove in an effort to censor themselves and nobody is the wiser.

    Maybe someone should give Carpenter some pointers on the 'ole face-in-glove trick.

    By the way- your links are not working at the time of my reading this. ;]
