Monday, September 19, 2011

Mark Richt: You are in the DogHouse

I’m still livid. Not that I expected a team from the Big South Conference to pull a JMU or an Appalachian State in Athens, GA- but I expected more from an SEC Coach.

“The University of Georgia vs. Coastal Carolina University- It’s one of the biggest game of the year, might even be an ESPY caliber of a match up and it’s not even on TV.” This was my comment before the game to a co-worker who is an UGA alum (I’m a proud CCU alum) spoken in my fist language; complete sarcasm. When I saw UGA on the schedule I knew this game would be ugly. I hoped they would have extra medical staff on hand and that they better be paying Coastal A LOT of money to take snaps on a SEC field this early in the season

Remember that classic press conference about cats and dogs? Yes, that’s our Coach Bennett and he knows how to put Coastal on the map! (But he wasn’t talking about the Bulldogs.) Coach Bennett is a southern comedian, how can you not root for him? I’ll give it to coach Bennett- he’s not scared to play the big boys! Frank Beamer won’t play an SEC team on the road during the regular season.

The Chants will probably never play for a BCS National Championship and I’m okay with that. That’s why I love SEC football; because they set the standard for National Championship teams. I have a lot of respect for other SEC teams. That doesn’t mean I like them, I just respect them.

And then there’s Georgia’s coach Mark Richt; the owner of the pups’ 6-7 record last season and started this season 0-2. Yep, he is on the head coach chopping block and on my coaching dog-shit list. Really Richt, 59-0 against the Big South and the overrated Aaron Murray played most of the game? Richt, you proved your point in the first half that you would finally get a W and buy yourself another week of being the head coach of UGA. All you proved to me is that you’re an a**hole.

Coastal played Penn Sate in 2008 and lost 66-10 and in 2009 they lost to Clemson 49-3. At least JoePa and Swinney had the respect to understand the situation and enough faith in the second and third string to basically let everyone get in the game and take their starters out in the second half. I get it’s a game and Richt was playing for is job, but if he’s worried about an upset from the Big South- he shouldn’t be a coaching in the SEC.

PS: Coach Richt, Kellen Moore says hello.

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