Monday, July 4, 2011


In March, the NFL collective bargaining agreement expired and they continue negating a new CBA. On July 1st at 12:01AM the NBA collective bargaining agreement expired and the NBA lockout began. Owners say they have lost over $300 million this season and the lockout will last until the new CBA gives all 30 teams a chance to make a profit.

The average NBA player makes $4.8million a year- the highest average salary of all professional sports leagues in the world. The average salary for an NFL player is $1.9 million. Most of us common folk could make either salary last a life time, but these baller’s might be willing to give up a Bentley to keep a vacation home in Hawaii.

The bottom line is that the NFL issue is about dividing up the money and the NBA issue is about dividing up money and having the bigger market teams give money back to the smaller markets teams so all the teams are profitable. Has David Stern lost his mind with a redistribution of wealth system in the NBA? We’re talking about teams with billions of dollars and teams with millions of dollars… I have no sympathy.

I don’t think the NFL or the NBA will have enough balls to cancel their entire seasons, but don’t count on seeing the best year in sports from either league after the lockout. There’s no off season in any sport. Players need to stay in shape, treat medical issues, study play books, attend training camps and physically practice together. Without an off season to strengthen the players, expect a weak playing season.

Wait, does Brett Favre know about this lockout? His dream schedule is only showing up on game day… and he does hold the record for the most retirements. Favre from over?

I’m not scared that we won’t have a 2011 season- we will. And I’m not scared of the disappointing season; as a Redskins fan I’m used to disappointment.

This is why we can never physically organize a paycheck system for college athletes: you can scare the fans by locking-out the NFL or the NBA seasons, but please sports Gods; you can never lockout college football! If college athletes were paid to play the game (on top of a free education and all the improper gifts- I support both) they could join together and also decide not to play because the day would come when the player’s paychecks would pass the university presidents and neither side would agree on bridging the gap. A lockout in college football, now that’s scary!

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