Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Running and Chomping

Two weeks until kick off and I’m already calling an audible.

Roger Goodell should have sent a direct message and declared Terrelle Pryor ineligible for the supplemental draft. Instead, Goodell suspended Pryor from the first five games of the NFL season- the same suspension he would have received if he was still in the huddle with a bunch of nuts. Mr. Goodell, can a player be punished for being a D-bag under the personal conduct code? Just hearing the name “Terrelle Pryor” makes me want to throw-up. At least Ohio State learned from that salty nut and banned Pryor from all contact with the university's athletic program and new incoming recruits for the next five years.

This kid is just running from the rules (not that I agree with all the rules he broke) but what standard are you setting for all those kids in college now who are just “living the dream” of being a campus football star and then BOOM the NCAA suspends them (after the bowl game) and they too will chuck the deuce up and come running to the NFL. Mr. Goodell, you just paved the road for a bunch of NCAA delinquent’s to take their suspensions to the NFL.

Looks like the U will be newest NFL team in Miami.

I do have one important question for the Redskins Special Team Coordinator, Danny Smith- What kind of gum are you chomping on? There’s not a camera shot of him without a full pack of gum stuffed into his mouth. The wad of gum might even be bigger than the most exciting player in burgundy- 5’7 punt return specialist; Brandon Banks.

As long as Smith is chomping and Banks is running, I’ll be yelling- Hail Yeah!

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