Monday, December 16, 2013

Ho! Ho! Ho!

While the holiday season is in full swing of spreading holiday cheer there is not much to cheer about if you’re a Washington Redskins fan. It was obvious when Santa’s little helpers (from Kansas City) dropped off a big red stocking full of coal at FedEx last week that said RG3-10.

Coaches, players and fans may have given up on this dysfunctional team, but there are still some of us fans who are still trying to make the last home game fun, even when our team is the 2nd worst team in the entire NFL.

I have been extremely blessed by being invited to every home game for the past five seasons from the White family.  Clearly, they are saints to put up with my shenanigans. (For the record. Jim provokes it and Tom instigates it.) Last year Jim lost a bet to me and had to dress up like Santa for the Dallas game.  So naturally, we bet on who would dress like Santa for this years Dallas game. I won, again and Jim would be Santa (even though he looks more like Willie from Bad Santa).

Somehow the bet changed during the Atlanta game.

I was clearly bad luck as I watched the game. I saw all of Atlanta’s 17 points in the first half, but then I saw Moss drop balls and three consecutive fumbles for the Redskins. I managed to miss all 21 of the Redskins points in the first half. (Potty break, first turnover had to change into a different Redskins shirt, threw the remote and knocked over my Diet Mt. Dew so I was cleaning up my mess instead of looking at the TV). At halftime I realized that I had to keep distracting myself when we were on offense and then we would score. “Labels Out” just like the Bud Light commercial, superstitions work, right?!

When Atlanta went up 24-20 in the 3rd I was told during a group text to shop for a Mrs. Claus costume. So I did. I now know where the ‘ho’ in holidays comes from. But I managed to find a costume that with boots will cover most of my skin. (We were going for Mrs. Claus, not Granny Claus.) Costume approved by Jim and a shipping confirmation later I was wondering how I just agreed to dress up as Mrs. Claus? I didn’t lose the bet! What just happened? And just as I looked at the TV and Atlanta drills a 51 yarder to go up 27-20. Seconds later the group text-er’s yell at me to stop watching, busted!

With three minutes left in the game I had to leave my house. I’m not sure what was worse, the Redskins or my decision to go to the mall during the holiday season on a Sunday. #Fail #Fail #Fail I live two miles from the mall and it look me 33 minutes to get there. I listened to the game on the radio and my horn honking in celebration of Santa Moss’s TD blended in with the other “friendly” drivers horn honking in traffic. Then, I hear they are going for two and trying to go for the win with 18 seconds left. My fist thought was is Shanahan trying to get fired? If Kia made the extra point and the game was tied then the Redskins still had a chance to play and win in OT. But leave it to those Shananhan’s to make a statement by saying if they go for two and win, then they look like they are trying to win. If they kick the extra point and tie, they still have to coach/work and go to OT. Both teams have no chance at a post-season appearance so the game meant nothing to the NFL.

But WINS mean everything to the fans and Mike & Kyle made a statement by saying it’s time for them to go. 

Pictures of Mrs. Claus may or may not be posted on Instagram: ALISONSTCLAIR4

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