Friday, November 22, 2013

Creepin for Mo

Aaron Rodger, Danny Amendola, and Sidney Crosby
After a busy day at work I stopped by my local bar to watch the Caps/Penguins game on Wedneday. I didn’t make it to the 3rd period of the game.

Not because of the score, but because I felt so uncomfortable looking at Crosby’s terrible, child-molester-ish mustache. PUKE! It’s creepy; it’s gross, and just flat out disturbing. I bet he drives the ice cream truck around downtown Pittsburgh during the summer too.

And then later that night I get an email from a friend asking me to donate money to “Movember” and attached is his picture with Crosby’s-Creepy-Stash on his face too. Evey future boyfriend, Aaron Rodgers, has also been a victim of this horrible face growth. WHAT is going on?!?!

I’ll be honest and say that I thought ‘No shave November’ was just a saying for lazy males to have an ‘excuse’ and not shave their face. Good thing his picture was at the end of the email or I would have deleted it before actually reading it.

Turns out that Movember is actually a global fundraiser to raise awareness and funding in the fight against prostate and testicular cancer. Saving the balls, now you’ve got my attention! The Mo-movement encourages men to grow a mustache for the entire 30 days of November. Participants register and ask friends to donate to their creepy sprouts growing on their face.

Men and women wear pink to support breast cancer awareness, but ladies- we should not play no-shave November, EVER! Instead, we should just donate to the cause. I’m sure you all know someone with a ‘to catch a predator’ look on this face. Ask them if they are what I like to call “Creepin for Mo” (participating in Movember) or if they just think that their mustache is just a good look for them. If they don’t say Movember- RUN, run fast in the opposite direction. If they are Creepin for Mo, then creep into your wallet and make a donation. Seriously, it takes a lot of balls- literally, to go in public with a Mo on your face.  

Protecting the stones has always been near and dear to my heart. Mostly, because when I was little and saw all those commercials about “always having to pee” (anyone who knows me, knows that I’m pretty confident that I have the world’s smallest bladder or I’m allergic to water) so naturally, I thought the commercial was speaking directly to me. Then I leaned in 6th grade health class that while mentally, I have bigger stones than a lot of males I’ve met, however, physically, I didn’t make the anatomy checklist. Still, the bruises I encounter on a nightly basis from “my frequent tips to the bathroom” and refusing to turn on a light is my own fault. It’s not a man’s fault that testicular cancer is the most common cancer in males between the ages of 15 and 35. Or that 1-in-6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime.

Mustaches of any kind, will forever give me the creeps, but you’d rather I have the creeps, than someone you know lose their manhood. Just turn your head and cough boys, everyone’s doing it.

Oh and if Sid-the-Kid is trying to be a man with his mustache, it’s stillll not working. But if he’s trying to grow a Mo, I won’t mail him a razor until December.

Here’s the link to help support my friend’s CREEPY MO!

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