Monday, November 5, 2012

The Good Ole Days

Did the Redskins know they had a game on Sunday? Did they realize they were playing a 1-6 Carolina team? Did they know it was homecoming? Did they know how many heroes that were in the stands? Do they know the history of the throw back uniforms? Do they know about the Good Ole Days?

Redbull shortage, ready for a bye-week, too cold, blah, blah, blah- bottom line: THE TEAM DIDN’T SHOW UP TO PLAY!
How do you NOT score on 4th & goal on the one yard line? Only to have Carolina drive the ball 99 yards and score seven.
21-6 with 3:19 left in the 4th quarter, two touchdowns nullified and third time is charm- Royester scores 21-13 with 1:34 left. Can someone explain why we wouldn’t go for two? I understand that a failed attempt would take you out of the game, but at this point what do you have to lose? Hypothetically, say Shanahan went for it and the score was 21-14. We stop Scam Newton and we get the ball back (which DID happen). We would have had the momentum with 0:17 left to move the ball/hail mary/RG3 special powers unleashed and the chance to TRY and WIN the game! Anything can happen when RG3 is on the field, so why not try to win with each second of the game?
On Dallas’s 17 yard line, Romo hail married on 3rd & 20 with 5:35 in the FIRST quarter of Sunday night’s game for a 65 yard completion to Ogletree. Next play 1st & 10 on Atlanta’s 18 yard line. My point; it took ten seconds off the clock to move the ball down the field and to put them in scoring position. The Redskins had seventeen seconds to at least TRY to make it look like they wanted to win in the fourth quarter in a must win game.
As a Redskins fan, I’ve been a loyal fan my entire life. My dad tells me stories about the Good Ole Days of the Washington Redskins. Stories about his hero, Sonny Jurgensen, the Hogs and the Fun Bunch, but these are all just stories to me. I wasn’t born when Sonny was in his prime and I was too young to remember the mid 80’s and early 90’s of Washington pigskin. So basically from 2nd grade (1992) to present I have been a fan of a 139-186 Redskins team that has only made it to 4 playoff games (losing all of the divisional games) in 20 years. The previous 20 years the Redskins were 197-104 with 11 play-off appearances, played in 4 Super Bowls and won 3 rings.
And when you think about it, it’s hard to be a Redskins fan. But still, we are some of the most loyal fans in all of sports; you’d have to be to support a team who has finished last in their division 9 times, second to last 7 times and only finishing in second place 3 times and ONE first place finish in the past twenty years.
I went to college in South Carolina and the local bar didn’t show Redskins games (owner was an Eagles fan and a total prick) so I would listen to the games in my car on SIRIUS satellite radio so I wouldn’t miss a game. Since moving to the DC area four years ago and thanks to the White family, I almost have perfect attendance to all home games. I’ve traveled to away games in Dallas, Carolina and Pittsburgh. Rain or shine, wind or snow, the fans show up every game. Is it too much to ask for a team to show up and play?
Last week in Pittsburgh with 0:26 left in the game, the team takes a knee. (I know, there was no way we were coming back from being down 15 points) but for the love of the fans, act like you want to win and finish the game. The fans stayed until the end and finished the game.
Thank you sports gods for RG3- I don’t want to imagine how awful this year would be if we didn’t have him. (As in, instead of just losing, we would have been killed with nothing/no one to make us believe that the Good Ole Days will come again.)
Humor me. Why is the Redskin sideline of the stadium in the shade/cold and the visitor sideline is in the sun/warm? Kyle Shanahan’s nose looked like a clown the entire game, the players were draped in coats and sitting close to each other on the bench to stay warm. Looking at the Redskins made me even colder. Across the field, the Panther’s are moving around and staying lose. I understand in baseball putting the visitor’s bullpen in the baking summer sun, but in winter football, basic common sense tells me I want my team in the warm sun. Just a thought…
Dan Snyder was advised to change the way he ran the team. He took a back seat and let his management and coaching staff run the program. It’s been a few years and after this year with no real change- I hope Snyder holds them all accountable and makes changes himself.  
If I was Snyder, I’d never hire a head coach whose son is the offensive coordinator. If Kyle was “that” good, then he could get a job at any other NFL team. His only previous experience was one year at Houston 2008-2009. Mr. Mike Shanahan, honestly- was Kyle Shanahan the BEST OC you could find? I hope you both are renting.
It’s hard to be a Redskins fan when you watch your team play as if they don’t care, a coach who doesn’t finish games and a loyal fan base that is tired of watching a team SUCK year after year. It’s a bye week in Washington and if I was the coach, the team would have two-a-days all week and the entire team and staff would donate this week’s paycheck to charity. Goodell and the Players Union can fine me all they want, but when you have a history of winning, your fans will pay you back.
I hope that one day I will be able to experience the Good Ole Days of the Washington Redskins.

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