Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I Need to Vent

I apologize, but I need to vent. (Sorry to Steve Nance who heard the potty mouth version of this rant.)  

I was asked to play in a Fantasy Football league with a $50 buy-in. Anyone who knows me, knows that I’ve never bet more than $20 on anything. The league manager begged, I mean he beeeeggggggggged me to play. He was acting like the neighborhood cat; I couldn’t get rid of him so I said I would play. But I made it clear, don’t be mad when I beat you.

I’ve been playing in fantasy leagues year round for years. I’m lucky that my twin brother is a champion in most leagues he plays in and has taught me how to play like the boys. This was the first league I played in that was outside my normal circle of fantasy leagues.

League Go Hard or Go Home- with League Manager Captain Shady-

After the most unorganized live draft I couldn’t stop laughing. Who drafts a kicker in the 7th round (Mason Crosby who has 87 total fantasy points this year)? I took Stephen Gostkowski with my second to last pick and he’s tied for first place with 144 points. One kid even picked the Lions defense in the 6th round (who has a total of 54 fantasy points). I waited until the 10th round and snagged up the Bears D who leads the league and earned my team 204 fantasy points.

And how was Adrian Peterson stilllll available in the 3rd round? Talk about a steal All Day, All Day!

Have you ever played in a league that counted week 17? Teams with an automatic playoff will rest the superstar so it can hurt your team in the Championship.

Let’s be honest, he has a reputation of being shady and holds a grudge against me because I have schooled him week after week in a weekly NFL pick em game for the past two years.  

No one was surprised when he magically had the first round draft pick. A $50 buy-in with ten players = $350 for 1st and $150 for 2nd.  Somewhere along the way he created a 3rd place for a $50 payout. I didn’t realize I was playing in an all-girl league. Third place gets a payout in a league of 10? Shut the front door! Just give everyone a trophy and tell them they won too. I guess I grew up playing ball where I learned to win or lose and you accept it. There was none of this let everyone win crap.

So now, this ‘made up’ addition makes the 1st place payout $250 and 2nd $150, but wait that’s still only $450….? I’m pretty good with numbers, but the average 2nd grader can figure out there’s still $50 unaccounted for. He then decides the $50 is for the draft kit. Whaaaat? Those things are partially free and if you do purchase a draft kit (it’s a poster board and stickers) you might spend $25 at the most.

Worst league management ever! The funny thing about this league is that my team DaNuhNuh has been crushing it all season in first place and I’m playing in the Championship. I’m playing team Maclin On Your Girl, Yes Her (I hate the Eagles, but that’s hilarious Mr. Nance). He, like most of the other teams are pretty cool people. I’m just glad that we beat Captain Shady at his own game.

You can rig all the rules, you can change the rules, and you can even use your veto power to make sure others can’t beat you and you still get beat by a girl.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Naughty or Nice?

The entire year comes down to one list. There is one list that is created by the sports gods and Santa that decides the fate of your season; are you on the Naughty or Nice list? Being on the naughty list is season ending and being on the nice list keeps your post season dreams alive. Luckily, Santa and I are pretty close (I leave him the best cookies year after year- he loves me) so he shared the “List” with me. Here is the inside scoop to the most important list of the year. 

I was lucky enough to be invited to go to the NFL Draft in Radio City Music Hall when the Washington Redskins drafted the best Christmas present we could ask for; Robert Griffin III! He has proven he is the real deal and he knows how to put on a show. FedEx field goes NUTS when he runs out of the tunnel, steps on the field or just when he smiles on the jumbo-tron. RG3 is truly the hope and change we have been waiting for in Washington. Robert you are on the NICE List!

Redskin nation is so mesmerized by the talent and charisma of RG3 that the attention for the other life line on the field has been sidelined. Holy Kai! Kai Forbath is an undercover superhero. (Really, he is! Only superheroes can wear a size 7. 5 shoe on their kicking foot and a size 10.5 on the other foot.) This California golden-foot is not getting the attention he deserves. But then again, I’ve met Kai and he doesn’t have a Hollywood ego at all. He was so nice and humble to be playing in the NFL. I’ve read articles where the “Redskins took a chance on him”. Let’s be honest, when Billy Cundiff is your kicker- that’s called taking a risk. Picking up Kai was a steal!

(I’m not a fan of his favorite UCLA memory when he kicked the game winning FG in OT to beat my VOLS in 2008.) But I am a fan of winning games. In his 9 games with the Redskins he has scored 82 fantasy points for Washington. I know, his kickoffs stats are a little debatable, but Special Teams Coach Danny Smith has a strategy inside that wad of gum he’s always chomping on. Kai explained it to Dan Steinberg by saying: “We think our cover team does best when we’re not letting the other team know where we’re going with it.” Keep up the Cali-swag Kai; we are glad you are here! Kai- you are on the NICE List!

Alfred Morris, gosh I love this swinger! Redskin fans know his TD celebration is a home run swing. But what’s the story behind it? During spring OTAs he met some Little Leaguers who were staying at the same hotel for an All-Star tournament. He became a huge fan of these little ballers. He swam with them, he ate cupcakes with them (Morris LOVES cupcakes), he watched them play ball and he became a role model. Morris decided he would do a TD celebration for them the first time he got into the end-zone. He hit his first home-run against the Colts in the preseason (the imaginary baseball swing) and the Little Leaguers and their parents sent Morris messages thanking him for showing them some love. Morris was so touched by their excitement and he decided it would be his signature celebration all season. How can you not root for a guy who has a heart like that? Keep swinging in the end-zone buddy, keep swinging! Alfred, a lot of little kids wrote letters to Santa telling him that they want a football for Christmas so they can grow up to be a like you. Alfred, you are on the NICE List!

Santa’s Naughty List:
Philadelphia Eagles
New York Giants
Dallas Cowboys

Friday, November 23, 2012

Cowboys vs. Indians

This was my first Thanksgiving away from my family and to be honest, I think they are relieved that they could enjoy a home cooked meal without having to wear a homemade Pilgrim or Indian hat. Yes, my kindergarten art skills still excel beyond the classroom. Construction paper and a glue stick, it never gets old and yes, you have to wear the hat to eat.

I can’t remember the last time I used my stove when I wasn’t prepping for tailgate festivities with the White family. I attempted to make my own Thanksgiving dinner- not a tradition I will continue. But knowing another tradition was making a come back could make up for me missing my mom’s crock-pot mac & cheese; Cowboys vs. Redskins on Thanksgiving Day!

HA- Cowboys vs. Indians on Thanksgiving Day, well played NFL, well played. After a rough start and a Brandon Banks error, I felt my Thanksgiving meal starting to rise for a reversal of fortune. And then it was as if the sports gods wanted to rain on the Dallas parade and sent rain in the Cowboy Stadium (once the roof is open, it can not be closed) in the second quarter and the RG3 show featuring the Redskins began. WOW- what a show it was with 28 unanswered points in the second quarter. Total domination! 

RG3 was back in his home state of Texas and he did not disappoint in the second quarter. Maybe they ate some turkey during halftime because the third quarter was pretty boring and the Cowboys scored ten unanswered points. 35-21 with less than ten minutes left in the game and an RG3 interception. WHAT? Superman can’t throw interceptions. And just like that 35-28 for a seven point game. My heart-rate was racing and my turkey still had not settled.

Any Redskin fan will tell you that it’s not over until it-is-over. And usually, it doesn’t end well for us. But my new phrase for the Redskins and my ringtone- Anything Can Happen when RG3 is on the field!

With three minutes left, Kai Forbath lines up for a 48 yard field goal attempt. Holy Kai it was perfect and the Redskins take a ten point lead; 38-28. Redskins fans are thankful that Billy Can’t Kick Cundiff was replaced by this hidden golden foot of Kai Forbath.

My heart was still pounding until the game clock expired and the Redskins finally BEAT Dallas 38-31 on Thanksgiving in Texas and put an end to Tony Romo’s 5-0 winning streak on Thanksgiving Day. The Redskins are thankful for RG3 everyday and today we are very thankful for RG3’s 311 passing yards, 4 TDs, and the WIN!

When it’s Cowboys vs. Indians- Anything Can Happen.

PS: That Cam Newton Play 60 commercial with the little kid- HILARIOUS!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


"The Rock" after the loss to Mississippi State 

Smokey mountains and a sea of orange; welcome to Knoxville, Tennessee. Ah, Neyland Stadium, the place where dreams come true… for the visiting teams and fans.

Going into Saturday’s game against Missouri I was confident that I would hear the student section yell “It’s-great-to-be-a-Tennessee-VOL” Instead, I heard a non-UT fan yell back to a guy selling I will give my all for Tennessee today signs “No body wants that sh*t”.

With 0:43 seconds left in regulation the score is 28-28. UT has the ball, 1st &10 and at UT 39 yard line- incomplete pass. 2nd & 10 at UT 39 yard line- pass complete to Marlin Lane- no gain and Dooley let the clock run with two timeouts left. Dooley always preaches that players need to finish the game, what about the coaches? At least act like you want to win the game.

It was a nail biter that took us into four Overtimes, an exciting fake field goal, and a 51-48 loss to Missouri.  That was the seventh straight loss in SEC match ups and forcing Tennessee to look for our fourth head football coach since 2008.

Going into the Vandy game, UT is the underdog for the second straight year against the armpit of the SEC. It’s simply embarrassing. The VOLS are 4-6 this season and 0-6 against SEC teams. There’s a possibility we could be 0-8 in the SEC before this season is over and that is not acceptable.
Dooley, I know you are a nice guy and all, but nice doesn’t win SEC football games. Yes, there has been improvement; however there hasn’t been enough improvement to WIN A FREAKING GAME! Life as a UT fan has officially hit Rock Bottom!

I understand that while we wanted to hear on Monday that Dooley was DONE! It’s not smart to fire him without knowing who the next coach will be. The fear of the unknown would send the wrong message to recruits that we could lose. Nice comb over, love the pants, but you have got-to-go!
Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is for a football coach at Tennessee to beat Florida (and Georgia, and South Carolina). Is that too much to ask?
All this flirting with Gruden has to be too good to be true. It’s obvious that we want him and we are willing to pay celebrity money to make it happen. There’s just too much “speculation” on the situation and lets be honest, only those in the Tennessee fan base actually believe that Gruden could happen. Just thinking about Gruden makes me want to sing Rocky Top! It would be a game changer for the program and a platform for Gruden to show his true colors in college coaching. His ability to recruit would be second to none and the miracle that could revitalize the brand of Tennessee Football. My fingers are still crossed, but we are prepared that it might not happen. UT fans have suffered a lot more disappointment over the years.
The Monday after the Missouri loss, I was wearing a UT hoodie in the grocery store and I hear a man 70+ years old yell “Go VOLS”! I paused and then turned and looked at him. He still had a fist in the air from fist pumping. I smiled and we began talking about Tennessee Football. He is a UT alumnus with family still in Tennessee and he is still cheering for the Big Orange. He summed up the problem in one sentence “I just want to be respected again”. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Good Ole Days

Did the Redskins know they had a game on Sunday? Did they realize they were playing a 1-6 Carolina team? Did they know it was homecoming? Did they know how many heroes that were in the stands? Do they know the history of the throw back uniforms? Do they know about the Good Ole Days?

Redbull shortage, ready for a bye-week, too cold, blah, blah, blah- bottom line: THE TEAM DIDN’T SHOW UP TO PLAY!
How do you NOT score on 4th & goal on the one yard line? Only to have Carolina drive the ball 99 yards and score seven.
21-6 with 3:19 left in the 4th quarter, two touchdowns nullified and third time is charm- Royester scores 21-13 with 1:34 left. Can someone explain why we wouldn’t go for two? I understand that a failed attempt would take you out of the game, but at this point what do you have to lose? Hypothetically, say Shanahan went for it and the score was 21-14. We stop Scam Newton and we get the ball back (which DID happen). We would have had the momentum with 0:17 left to move the ball/hail mary/RG3 special powers unleashed and the chance to TRY and WIN the game! Anything can happen when RG3 is on the field, so why not try to win with each second of the game?
On Dallas’s 17 yard line, Romo hail married on 3rd & 20 with 5:35 in the FIRST quarter of Sunday night’s game for a 65 yard completion to Ogletree. Next play 1st & 10 on Atlanta’s 18 yard line. My point; it took ten seconds off the clock to move the ball down the field and to put them in scoring position. The Redskins had seventeen seconds to at least TRY to make it look like they wanted to win in the fourth quarter in a must win game.
As a Redskins fan, I’ve been a loyal fan my entire life. My dad tells me stories about the Good Ole Days of the Washington Redskins. Stories about his hero, Sonny Jurgensen, the Hogs and the Fun Bunch, but these are all just stories to me. I wasn’t born when Sonny was in his prime and I was too young to remember the mid 80’s and early 90’s of Washington pigskin. So basically from 2nd grade (1992) to present I have been a fan of a 139-186 Redskins team that has only made it to 4 playoff games (losing all of the divisional games) in 20 years. The previous 20 years the Redskins were 197-104 with 11 play-off appearances, played in 4 Super Bowls and won 3 rings.
And when you think about it, it’s hard to be a Redskins fan. But still, we are some of the most loyal fans in all of sports; you’d have to be to support a team who has finished last in their division 9 times, second to last 7 times and only finishing in second place 3 times and ONE first place finish in the past twenty years.
I went to college in South Carolina and the local bar didn’t show Redskins games (owner was an Eagles fan and a total prick) so I would listen to the games in my car on SIRIUS satellite radio so I wouldn’t miss a game. Since moving to the DC area four years ago and thanks to the White family, I almost have perfect attendance to all home games. I’ve traveled to away games in Dallas, Carolina and Pittsburgh. Rain or shine, wind or snow, the fans show up every game. Is it too much to ask for a team to show up and play?
Last week in Pittsburgh with 0:26 left in the game, the team takes a knee. (I know, there was no way we were coming back from being down 15 points) but for the love of the fans, act like you want to win and finish the game. The fans stayed until the end and finished the game.
Thank you sports gods for RG3- I don’t want to imagine how awful this year would be if we didn’t have him. (As in, instead of just losing, we would have been killed with nothing/no one to make us believe that the Good Ole Days will come again.)
Humor me. Why is the Redskin sideline of the stadium in the shade/cold and the visitor sideline is in the sun/warm? Kyle Shanahan’s nose looked like a clown the entire game, the players were draped in coats and sitting close to each other on the bench to stay warm. Looking at the Redskins made me even colder. Across the field, the Panther’s are moving around and staying lose. I understand in baseball putting the visitor’s bullpen in the baking summer sun, but in winter football, basic common sense tells me I want my team in the warm sun. Just a thought…
Dan Snyder was advised to change the way he ran the team. He took a back seat and let his management and coaching staff run the program. It’s been a few years and after this year with no real change- I hope Snyder holds them all accountable and makes changes himself.  
If I was Snyder, I’d never hire a head coach whose son is the offensive coordinator. If Kyle was “that” good, then he could get a job at any other NFL team. His only previous experience was one year at Houston 2008-2009. Mr. Mike Shanahan, honestly- was Kyle Shanahan the BEST OC you could find? I hope you both are renting.
It’s hard to be a Redskins fan when you watch your team play as if they don’t care, a coach who doesn’t finish games and a loyal fan base that is tired of watching a team SUCK year after year. It’s a bye week in Washington and if I was the coach, the team would have two-a-days all week and the entire team and staff would donate this week’s paycheck to charity. Goodell and the Players Union can fine me all they want, but when you have a history of winning, your fans will pay you back.
I hope that one day I will be able to experience the Good Ole Days of the Washington Redskins.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

1934 Called, They Want Their Uniforms Back

The White family does it again! I’m so thankful they always invite me week after week and year after year to watch the Redskins play. So what did I say when they offered me tickets to go to Pittsburgh for the Redskins vs. Steelers game? HAIL YEAH! Who cares if it’s cold and raining with a little wind, all you need is your big girl panties and a poncho. And maybe layers and layers of burgundy and gold to keep warm.

For years I had named M&T Bank Stadium, home of the Baltimore Ravens, as the most unorganized stadium for fans to enter. That was until I checked Heinz Field off of my bucket list last Sunday. Hands down- it’s a debacle! After being “in line” an hour before kick off, I was confident we would be in our seats before the National Anthem with plenty of time for me to booooo as Roethlisberger was introduced. However, we were still waiting to get in and to our seats and I missed the perfect booing moment. Hello, front office; you are losing so much money from fans “waiting in line” when they could be inside ordering beers and hotdogs! Also, what stadium doesn’t accept credit cards at the concession stand?
Dan Snyder isn’t the most popular owner in the NFL, but he knows you have to get fans in quickly and they will spend money. Snyder figured out that teams can lose on the field, but don’t take a loss of revenue from not having the logistics strategy of how to get fans in faster. Now, if FedEx only had more Coors Light in the stadium, they would be a gold mine!
To the 6’3, 300 pound Hulk Hogan wanna-be Steeler fan with a beer gut bigger than me who kept pushing his way through the crowd with his gut: Just because you can see over me, doesn’t mean you’re getting in front of me. Like most 5th grade “line cutters” he was a big bully. At one point, I seriously contemplated jabbing my EpiPen right in his stones. And guess who made it in the game first- ME!
But for the most part, Pittsburgh fans were nice to us Redskins fans. Actually, they didn’t even care we were there and this was before they lit up the score board. I’ve never seen so many Carhartt boots in my life; it’s truly a blue collar town and stadium. One man even asked me if I needed a hug at the end of the game- HA I laughed and said ‘nope, I just need a team that is able to CATCH THE BALL!’
I was more embarrassed to witness the temper tantrum from D-Hall than I was to lose the game. You can’t expect to win when you drop 10 catches, but I expect a team of grown men to have a little respect for the game. Fans in the nose bleeds could hear D-Hall’s F-bombs at the refs. It’s not the refs fault D-Hall can’t cover. I honestly don’t care if the head linesman Dana McKenzie missed the call that caused D-Hall to be taken down by Steelers receiver Emmanuel Sanders, there’s no reason your teammates should have to restrain you from trying to fight an official.
But let’s talk about the real embarrassment of the Heinz Field: who picked out the Steelers Uniforms? They looked like prisoner bumble bees who got scalped below the waist. Hey, nice nude pants, said no one ever! If this was an ugly Halloween costume contest, the Steelers won! Or maybe it was a wake up call to Big Ben of what he looks like in a prison uniform. Anyway you look at it; it’s a hideous look for Pittsburgh and an embarrassment to the game of football. Please, burn all of them!

The crowd wrapped around Heinz Field

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Power of the T

Life is full of stories. Stories people are dying to tell and stories that are never told enough. Theses stories make your heart smile and your eyes water; stories that have the power to change how you live your life.

In a perfect world children and cancer are two words that would never be mentioned in the same sentence. But too often an innocent child’s life is shortened, weakened and then surrenders a life that was never truly experienced.
In November 2005, Jay Rodger’s was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare type of cancer that is a bone tumor- he was 13 years old. Most of Jay’s life was threatened by the gauge of time doctors expected him to live. Cancer: a cureless disease that took away his hair, his ability to attend high school, to play football and to live a normal life as a kid. Most teenagers spend their life playing ball and having fun. Most of Jay’s life was spent in hospitals and beating his life expectancy odds. Cancer didn’t take Jay’s heart, spirit or his soul to fight each day with the hopes of just one more smile, one more breath, and one more day to live his life.
After a seven year battle, his body began to surrender and the gauge of his time on Earth would soon becoming to an end. Last Wednesday, he and his family prepared for hospice where Jay would spend his final days, hours and minutes in his Tennessee home. His family fought back tears, but Jay never stopped smiling and telling everyone about how his hero, Peyton Manning led the Denver Broncos to a comeback win that Monday night.    
On October 13th his family set up the facebook page “Jay’s Warriors”- for the people who have supported Jay and his family during his battle with cancer for the final fight of his life. The page was updated with how Jay was doing and asked for pictures of Jay’s Warriors signs and ‘Likes’ of encouragement.
Growing up in Tennessee, Jay was a fan of UT sports and hunting. It was no surprise to see him in his camouflage Tennessee hat. Leave it to VolNation and social media to spread the word and the messages of encouragement flooded the facebook page. Former and current athletes and coaches reached out to Jay and in one week, Jay gained over 35 thousand new Jay’s Warriors.
“My favorite was from Peyton Manning. As I told him how much Jay loved to watch him play and looked up to him as a hero Peyton said "Jay is more of a hero than I will ever be." JayStrong.”  -Posted on October 17th
The University of Tennessee is built on tradition and there is more power in the Power T than can be measured. Saturday’s game against Alabama was played in honor of Jay Rodgers and players showed everyone at Neyland they were one of Jay’s Warriors. 

Jay’s life was timed on Earth, but time can not touch or calculate the impact of how Jay’s life of fighting for every smile, for every breath, and for another day to live life has changed the lives of Jay’s Warriors to live JayStrong. VFL

Glen Jennings Rogers
January 21, 1992- October 21, 2012.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monumental Meltdown

The Washington Nationals haven’t been employed in October in 79 years. The Nationals are one of two MLB franchises, and the only one in the National League, that has never played in a World Series (the Seattle Mariners are the other) and after the monumental meltdown of game five, World Series dreams will remain a dream.

Crazy things started to happen in the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) the past few months. The Nationals AND the Orioles were both playing postseason baseball, Teddy WON his first President’s race, talk of a beltway World Series packed bars and fans came out of hiding to root for the Nats and O’s. Was the district becoming a sports town? Baseball was being talked about at the office water cooler and fans were showing their Natitude!
I love the game of baseball and I was pumped when I found out I had a ticket to game four Nats/Cards. Pimp seats, a sold out crowd, and a great game of postseason baseball is a fans dream. With the game date being 10-11-12 it was only fitting that it was a 13 pitch at-bat in the bottom of the 9th for Jayson Werth to blast the Rawlings 406 feet to left field for a walk-off home run to force game five and giving Jayson Werth his 14th walk-off home run in the post season since 2004.  It was awesome to experience a walk-off homer in the postseason, simply awesome!
Game five the Nats took an early 6-0 lead and people were booking flights to San Fran for NLCS. After all, no team has ever come back by six runs in an elimination game. But after the third inning, the Nationals bats only scored one more run for the rest of the game. Before you knew it was 7-5 in the top of the 9th. My stomach turned, I’ve seen this horror story; 2011 game six Rangers/Cardinals- same score, same Cardinal comeback.
Deep down, I kept thinking Davy Johnson would make the crowd go nuts by sending in benched pitcher, Stephen Strasburg for ONE pitch to end this game. Instead, Drew Storen struggled on the mound.
Something about the Cardinals being down 7-5 in the 9th with two outs and ONE strike away in an elimination game that motivates them to magically manage to come back and win, crushing the hopes and dreams of a Championship starved city and franchise. How the Cardinals scored four runs with one out- even with one strike away twice seems like a game you watch in the movies, not live in postseason baseball. Natitude quickly became Sadatude.
How could the sports gods be so cruel? Players and fans were left shocked and in disbelief that the comeback happened against them and their postseason dreams were officially over. Instead of rushing out of the stadium, fans stared at the field and grown men wiped their eyes. Players didn’t leave the dugout. No one wanted to accept that game five would end in a monumental meltdown of epic proportions. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Replacing the Game

One play, two rulings, no pass interference called. The ref who can SEE THE BALL rules no catch by waving his arms over his head (interception/Touchback) and the ref who is further away from the play and can NOT SEE THE BALL walks up and rules TD. Refs make a short trip to the booth (or so we think) and the ruling stands, TD Seattle.

It sounded more like this: The ruling on the court; the player did touch second base, ruling stands 5th foul for Arizona.
Hello 9-1-1 there has been a robbery in Seattle. Russell Wilson just became the first QB in the history of the NFL to throw a game-winning interception. Jennings caught the ball and had possession as he went down to the ground, but the ref ruled it a TD for Tate.
Who really reviewed this play? This call will go down as the all time worst NOT top-ten play in the history of sports and COME ON MAN’S!
Simultaneous control? Don’t even try to go there replacement ref, you don’t even know what that means yet, clearly.
Golden Tate, sorry kid- no one is talking about HOLY HAIL MARY. We are going nuts over your denial and about your pass interference play that somehow wasn’t called.
Packers guard, TJ Lang didn’t need all 140 characters to show his emotions on twitter: “Got F-ed by the refs.. Embarassing. Thanks NFL!” followed by “F**k it NFL.. Fine me and use the money to pay the regular refs.”
Roger Goodell, you should be so embarrassed that your greed has forced Footlocker employees to regulate the National Football League. Did someone put your balls on the replacement list too, Mr. Goodell?? If you really care about the integrity of this game you will stop this labor strike NOW and make football right again in America.  
You the Commish- preach that you will do anything to protect the shield of the NFL and yet, you Mr. Goodell, YOU are letting the debacle of asinine replacements define your league continue. Grow a pair!
Every game I’ve watched has been a clear indication that replacement refs have no control and no clue what the F they are doing. Get your ego out of your ass and protect this game that millions of fans live for. Mr. Goodell, are you facebook friends with Sandusky? Its ironic how both of you have a sick way of screwing a lot players and fans.
Hell, I’m a Redskins fan and VOLS fan, I know what its like lose, a lot. But watching other teams, good teams, great teams lose because of poor officiating- it really makes me mad.
(Sorry mom for my potty mouth- it’s ALL ROGER GOODELL’S FAULT? Yell at him not me.) 
And if you needed more proof, here ya go! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Third Saturday in September

Special guest Kenny Chesney and Lee Corso picking UT to win

It’s an SEC tradition that on the third Saturday in September that the rivalry between the University of Florida and the University of Tennessee will have a gridiron matchup.

College Gameday in Knoxville, TN Saturday September 15, 2012
I thought it was a Sports Center text alert joke. College Gameday hasn’t been in Knoxville since 2004 and just about every media source outside of Knoxville hasn’t giving the University of Tennessee any love or respect.
The truth is that the University of Tennessee hasn’t been the threat or the powerhouse that it once was. And when it comes to the third Saturday in September, UT hasn’t won since 2004. For the first time since 2007 both Florida (18) and Tennessee (23) have been ranked at kick off.
Has UT developed into the program it was once was? Not yet, but we know we are better this year. A fan base that is starving to beat Florida, a week filled with beat Florida festivities and a team preparing for their first and maybe only chance to prove why it’s great to be a Tennessee Vol.
I can’t remember the last time UT EVER had this much media attention that didn’t involve Lane Kiffin. ESPN and social media hyped up the game and Vegas gave UT a slight advantage.
A packed crowd showed up early for College Gameday and the signs were hilarious. Some of my personal favorites:
“Driskel throws Zima bottles”
“Driskel goes for it on 4th and jort”
ESPN acronym “Exterminating Swamp People from Neyland”
“Great Jorts said no one ever”
 It was a beautiful day for football in Knoxville. Neyland sold out to a sea of orange for more than 102,000 plus the thousands of fans who couldn’t get tickets.
It was a great SEC game until the end of third and then it was all Rock Bottom for the VOLS.
With 3:27 left in the third, Florida set in wildcat formation ended with 1 play for 80 yards in twelve seconds for a Florida TD by Trey Burton and the game changed. The missed opportunities, turnovers and failure to complete big plays made the VOLS Gator bait.
Bray collapsed and Tennessee had no legs. With only 87 rushing yards UT had meek success in the running game while the Gators ran for 336 yards and ran away with their 8th consecutive win 37-20 on the third Saturday in September.
Tennessee fans were pissed, heartbroken and shocked. This was Dooley’s chance to beat a ranked team and he came out with swamp ass.
Simply put, we couldn’t finish. We choked in the spotlight on the national stage in what could be the most important game of Dooley’s career at UT. Tennessee got chomped in Knoxville and it hurts.
Sometimes I hate that I love UT football so much, it just hurts. It really hurts. But at the end of day, the week, and season UT fans will still be cheering for the team with the belief that one day, the team will love us back. VFL.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Changing History

Five starting QB’s were NFL rookies in week one. Indianapolis' Andrew Luck, Miami's Ryan Tannehill, Cleveland's Brandon Weeden and Seattle's Russell Wilson, all four lost their debut game and Washington’s Robert Griffin III won. 

 Here's the Summary:
2012 Rookie

 QB Debut
19 of 26
Russell Wilson
18 of 34
Andrew Luck
23 of 45
Ryan Tannenhill
20 of36
Brandon Weeden
12 of 35

Tebow who? Jesus was wearing an RG3 jersey on Sunday!

Going into this game the Redskins had a 15-8 all time record against the Saints and winning three of the last five matchups. Shanahan is 3-1 against the Saints and he has a 14-4 record in week one games; the winningest of active head coaches.

We all have heard about bounty-gate in New Orleans, where head Coach Sean Payton has been banned from team activity for one year. Payton’s presence is still visible with the huge banner of his face giving off that scary eyed look that has the caption “Do Your Job”. On Friday the appeals panel reinstated defensive end Will Smith and linebacker Jon Vilma who were suspended for their roles in the bounty scandal. Smith started on Sunday. Vilma was on the sidelines due to off season knee surgery. But that wasn’t enough for the Who Dat nation and I’m sure they will all have nightmares of the Sean Payton stare.

Even with the Redskins history against the Saints and the Saints in franchise mayhem, Vegas still had RG3 and the Skins as the underdog. But in typical Dan Snyder fashion, he managed to give Vegas another reason to hate the Redskins and left most football fans shocked as the Redskins beat the Saints 40-32 in the Superdome. Since Shanahan took over as the Redskins head coach in 2010, this is the first time the team scored 40 points.

RG3 found WR Pierre Garcon in the middle for an 88-yard TD, tying the second-longest scoring pass by a quarterback making his NFL debut and the longest offensive TD for the Skins since 1987. RG3 finished the first half with a perfect 158.3 passer rating; the first time a rookie has done that with 10 or more attempts.

I just hope RG3 isn’t so good that Shanahan decides he needs to shut him down. No pun intended Davey Johnson, no pun intended…

History continued when my neighbor only knocked on my wall twice (their way of telling me to stop hooting and hollering) and the concierge didn’t call me to ask me to tone it down. Clearly, they must not have been home the entire game- I was going nuts! What a turn around for Washington.

Peter King gave the Redskins a 6-10 prediction and most of the “experts” had even less faith. It’s still early, but just knowing that this team can throw, catch AND score is a fundamental breath of fresh air in the Nations Capital. Now, that’s the real change we’ve been waiting for. 

And how about those Foot Locker employees, I mean the replacement refs. I like these guys! For once the Redskins are getting the calls and getting them on the road too!

More history was made on Sunday as Shannon Eastin became the first women to be a line judge in an official regular-season game for the St. Louis-Detroit matchup. This is the first time in eleven years that replacement officials have been called up while the regular officials are locked out. I just wish she wouldn’t have tucked her ponytail under her cap after the national anthem. Girl, you earned your spot, don’t be scared to show off your ponytail! Wear it with pride and know you’re the best looking official in the game.

Yes, week one made the history books, but it’s only one chapter for the 2012 season. The key for Shanahan’s Redskins will be to finish each game. Seeing is believing, and we saw on Sunday that the talent is there- we just have to finish writing the history book one chapter at a time.