Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It took 132 days for the owners and the players to agree on a new collective bargaining agreement. Two things we learned from the lockout:

1) James Harrison and Roger Goodell are not facebook friends.

Harrison accuses Goodell of trying to soften the game and implementing rules that protect the quarterback. He faults Goodell’s lack of experience as a reason for his inconsistencies of fines to players for unnecessary roughness where Harrison has paid over $100G’s. Harrison describes the commish as “a puppet,” “a crook,” “a punk,” and “a dictator” who maintains poor player relationships.

Goodell is praised by the media for his personal conduct policy that allows players to be punished by the league without being convicted of a crime. Holding players accountable for a higher standard of behavior is respectable. But it’s a double standard when you don’t hold the coaches to that same benchmark- remember Spygate?

Harrison and Goodell will only understand the game through the position they play, but there was a moment when we all understood the game through one image:

2) A picture can say it all.

The image of Indianapolis Colts offensive lineman, Jeff Saturday embracing New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft said more than 132 days of labor negotiations.
Rivals came together in a moment that symbolized one team and reminded us that millionaires and NFL players are also human. The respect and gratitude by both Saturday and Kraft represented unity in its most natural form.

In a soft voice, Saturday said “A special thanks to Myra Kraft, who even in her weakest moment, allowed Mr. Kraft to come and fight this out. Without him, this deal does not get done. I don’t want to be climatic, but he is a man who helped us save football. We’re gracious for that, we’re gracious for his family, and the opportunity presented to get this deal done.”

His words were heard, but the image of unity was felt.

Redskins: 7-9

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Get Your Popcorn Ready!

I don’t watch a lot of TV shows and I go to the movies once a year on Christmas day – it’s a family tradition. I’m usually pretty good when it comes to multitasking, but having to sit still and be quiet at the same time is not my idea of a good time. For the most part, jumping out of my seat, throwing something, high fiving strangers and yelling at officials are part of my fan/game experience. I’ve never earned an official conduct warning card like Alex, but when I’m watching games from home my neighbors have complained more than once about my excessive out burst of cheering and yelling.

Now that you know my ADHD back ground, it’s no surprise that I could care less about the Oscars, the Academy Awards, the Golden Globes or any other award show that recognizes the television shows and movies that I’ve never heard of.

The only award show that really matters to me is ESPN’s ESPYS- the best stories in sports told in one night. Live on Wednesday July 13th at 9:00. Unlike the other award shows, I know the nominations. I’ve watched the games or at least I have witnessed the highlights on ESPN. I even vote!

The ESPY’s take place during the MLB All-Star break so all professional athletes can attend (except the US Women’s soccer team who are playing in the world cup semi-finals). It’s a night of recognition, memories, comedy and a crowd of grown men decked out in bling-bling on the red carpet.

All presenters and nominees get a pimp gift package full of hotel packages, spa services, designer watches, luggage and sunglasses, gym memberships, P90X, several restaurant gift certificates, grooming products and even men’s spanks. Hopefully Hines Ward will use the Go-Brilliant transportation service gift certificate on his next night out on the town…

I’ve had dreams that I’m the first female to host the ESPYS. Seriously, I’ve had the same dream more than once and my opening monolog talks about my magical powers (not only can I open automatic door with the point of my finger but I also have the power to make small things look really big). Instead of just discussing my powers I call up Dustin Pedroia to stand next to me and poof, he looks huge!

I have a fear of doorknobs. They come out of no where and attack me, leaving bruises. I’ve ran into more glass doors than I should admit and broken my pinky toes countless times from opening doors. It’s sad how scary doors are to me and it’s no surprise that my father has told me my entire life not to tell anyone that he’s my father. He’s not famous; he’s just embarrassed that I’m his daughter so of course I announce my father’s full name with his picture in the background. It’s a classic moment of me laughing at my own jokes.

There’s a shout out to Ozzie Guillen and he yells back, but no one understands what he says, but we all laugh. Then later in the show I fight back tears as I introduce my hero, Coach Bob Knight. It has the potential to be the best ESPYS ever!

This year’s awards will be hosted by SNL’s Seth Meyers and if he acts like he does in the ESPY commercials it will be an entertaining night of sports. So get your popcorn ready and watch the only award show with the best stories in sports- the ESPYS!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stat Girl

I’m only writing this knock on Alex’s Friday show because A) his show is suppose to be the most factual show according to some media source and B) Alex- embarrassed, convinced MacDaddy to take out the paragraph on my bio about his “bar antics” that I find hilarious.

If you watch PTI on ESPN you know that Tony Reali is known as Stat Boy- he corrects Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon. Double A’s Intern #1 and #2 must have been too hung over to notice the false information on Friday’s show and left me with no choice to be Alex’s Stat Girl.

The Rangers fan that sadly died was there with his six year old son, not his father. The story is just heartbreaking on so many levels and while I feel for the family’s loss I also sympathize for Nolan Ryan and the Rangers organization.

Brett said “I think someone actually died at the same stadium last year, the same exact way”. Brett, don’t be thinking. The Ranger’s fan that fell at last year’s game did NOT die. And it was NOT the same type of fall, not even close.

Last year’s accident happened from the upper deck when a foul ball bounced from the upper second-deck and was coming back down the stands. The fan, Tyler Morris, with his back to the guard rail was reaching for the ball before it landed in the lower deck, as if he was doing a backbend over the railing to catch the foul ball and landed in the section below. Luckily, he made a full recovery.

Roberto- you’re grounded for a week of calling in. You think Derek Jeter is the ONLY player to hit 3,000 hits with one team- HAHA I’m a girl and I can name three players without going to Wikipedia. Including Jeter, there are now 11 members of the 3,000-hit club with one team.

Both Alex and Roberto ripped on Jose Bautista who now leads the MLB with 31 homeruns. In eight seasons, he averages 28 homeruns a season. Last year he hit 54, his career high. You call it steroids; I call it a hitting streak… And homeruns de-valued? If I was an MLB owner I want the talent who can drop bombs over getting hits for one reason; homeruns score runs, hits only touch bases. And you HAD to go there with the Barry Bonds comment… it’s no secret that I will forever defend Barry Bonds (read my blog MVP- Man Vs Procession and any one who has the God given talent for the long ball.

Titans Bill- my good friend, you really think the Titans should re-sign Vince Young or go after Terrelle Pryor? HAHA

You don’t like Jake Locker because you’ve heard negative talk from the scouts… (so you are listening to the draft experts) but then you say don’t listen to Todd McShay and Mel Kiper Jr when it comes to NFL draft experts? Huh? So listen to whom, your analogies about movie critics? Titans Bill, YOU ARE CRAZY!

Steve from Lexington- wow! You can’t make that shit up! After his Star Wars story and the way he says “crutin” (his deep southern accent lacks enunciation for the word recruiting) is just classic southern comedy. Alex, you asked if Steve was going to Goat’s party and once Steve called in, you didn’t ask him if he was going! But seriously, Steve from Lexington doesn’t need to try any treats that were served at Goat’s tasting party.

Alex, I love your show-there’s no reason for you to hide behind your sunglasses. HAHA

Monday, July 4, 2011


In March, the NFL collective bargaining agreement expired and they continue negating a new CBA. On July 1st at 12:01AM the NBA collective bargaining agreement expired and the NBA lockout began. Owners say they have lost over $300 million this season and the lockout will last until the new CBA gives all 30 teams a chance to make a profit.

The average NBA player makes $4.8million a year- the highest average salary of all professional sports leagues in the world. The average salary for an NFL player is $1.9 million. Most of us common folk could make either salary last a life time, but these baller’s might be willing to give up a Bentley to keep a vacation home in Hawaii.

The bottom line is that the NFL issue is about dividing up the money and the NBA issue is about dividing up money and having the bigger market teams give money back to the smaller markets teams so all the teams are profitable. Has David Stern lost his mind with a redistribution of wealth system in the NBA? We’re talking about teams with billions of dollars and teams with millions of dollars… I have no sympathy.

I don’t think the NFL or the NBA will have enough balls to cancel their entire seasons, but don’t count on seeing the best year in sports from either league after the lockout. There’s no off season in any sport. Players need to stay in shape, treat medical issues, study play books, attend training camps and physically practice together. Without an off season to strengthen the players, expect a weak playing season.

Wait, does Brett Favre know about this lockout? His dream schedule is only showing up on game day… and he does hold the record for the most retirements. Favre from over?

I’m not scared that we won’t have a 2011 season- we will. And I’m not scared of the disappointing season; as a Redskins fan I’m used to disappointment.

This is why we can never physically organize a paycheck system for college athletes: you can scare the fans by locking-out the NFL or the NBA seasons, but please sports Gods; you can never lockout college football! If college athletes were paid to play the game (on top of a free education and all the improper gifts- I support both) they could join together and also decide not to play because the day would come when the player’s paychecks would pass the university presidents and neither side would agree on bridging the gap. A lockout in college football, now that’s scary!