Friday, October 1, 2010

Racy Move

On Tuesday, CNBC published The Q Scores Co-a general polling company, which ranked LeBron James as the sixth most-disliked athlete in American sports. According to the report, James is considered a positive public figure by only 14 percent; a 77 percent decline from when he was with Cleveland. CNN correspondent Soledad O'Brien asked if race played a role in the decline of the LeBron James brand. James responded with “I think so at times. It's always, you know, a race factor." Maverick Cater, the 28 year-old who is the CEO of the LBJ brand said race "definitely played a role in some of the stuff coming out of the media, things that were written for sure."

Sounds like these kids have a lot to learn. LeBron and his camp blame race for his decline while the rest of us on planet Earth blame “The Decision” for his popularity decline. Most blame him for how he made the decision and not really the outcome of his decision.

LBJ: Stop playing the race card and start learning how to dribble.

The whole idea of The Decision- LeBron’s free agency announcement plus the circus in American Airline Arena- was it expected; yes. Was it ridiculous; Yes! Did we all watch; YES! We allowed the brand of LBJ to be created and now with this race card comment…. did we create a monster; Yes!

I’ve always been a LeBron fan even with his decision, but the race card. C’OME ON MAN! At this point we all know LeBron is one of the most dominate athletes in the NBA, but with this whole media debacle and hype in Miami the Heat is on and a Championship ring might be his only shot to save his throne as KingJames.

Incase you want to know who the other disliked athletes are:

When I saw the other top five disliked athletes, I laughed at all but one. I completely agree with Michael Vick being on the list and I can see why Tiger Woods is on the list for now, but he won’t retire from golf on and still be on the list. Terrell Owens, Chad Ocho Cinco and Kobe Bryant are all on the list because they are hated for being great athletes with a comedian personality or for delivering a great one liner to the media-"These young guys are playing checkers. I'm out there playing chess."


  1. That picture is hilarious. I can see why Michael Vick is on the list, but I honestly don't know that he'll stay on it either. Dude paid his debt to society and I truly feel like he knows what he was doing is wrong.

    I don't really follow basketball, but I do agree that the comments from LeBron and company are pretty ridiculous, and feel like when people play their celebrity to the max like that it just cheapens their overall brand.

  2. I just saw this tonight and it made me think of this post.

    I thought it was a pretty sick answer to the critics.
