Sunday, May 2, 2010

Is Washington, DC on the ineligible list for a Championship?

Dear Sports Gods:
Please remove Washington, DC from the list of teams banned from winning a Championship. Thanks, -Alison

The Washington Capitals won the Presidents Cup, Strasburg should make his major league début this month and Dan Snyder still has more money than God. Sounds like championship city, but the Capitals haven’t held the Stanley Cup, the Nationals haven’t celebrated a World Series win and Dan Snyder still can’t buy a Super Bowl ring.

The city is still morning the loss of the NHL conference quarterfinals. The Capitals lost to the Canadians and some say it was the biggest sports upset in Washington. There was no Obama bailout for the Caps and the number seven doesn’t seem so lucky in Washington, DC. How dose the best team in the league lose in the first round? Is Halak on HGH? Can Ovechkin win in the post season? Some questions may remain unanswered, but all the talent of: Ovechkin, Green, Backstorm, and Semin will return next year and the feelings from game seven will skate the Capitals back to the playoffs.

I always laugh when I hear “And now for the main event…The President’s race” at the Washington National’s games. Is that the main reason to spend $8.00 on a bottle of domestic beer? For the first time in five years the Nat’s have a winning percentage above 500 and a $15.1 million dollar draft pick who has a fastball clocking 100 miles per hour.. maybe there’s a prospect for a winning future…

Mr. Snyder Sir, money buys championships for the Yankees. However, it’s not paying off for the Redskins. Jason Taylor and McNabb are just a few of the over paid superstars whose careers have already peaked and are full of disappointment. I wouldn’t say you are the worst owner in the NFL, but I can’t say you’re the smartest either.

I’ve met Mr. Snyder before and I will admit he wasn’t the jerk he’s made out to be. I enjoyed the conversation and I know he’s better than a 80-90 record. Honestly, I think he’s just as frustrated with the team and at least he is trying to buy wins. Just invest in draft picks, not the leftovers.

Washington, DC has talented athletes, an investment in a fastball, the money to win championships and still the Capitals and the Nationals remain on the banned list and the Redskins have been put on the ineligible list for the past 18 years.

If you believe in Sports, pray. If you believe in God, pray. Sports in Washington, DC need a lot of prayer for a Championship team.

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