Sunday, February 14, 2010

For the Love of the Game

Today is Valentine’s Day and I dedicate this blog to the true love of my life: SPORTS!

Thank you for always giving me a reason to believe that you can love something more than yourself. No one else can bring out my emotions the way Zorn calls a fake field goal or the sight of an 83 year old Yogi Berra saying goodbye for the last time in pinstripes.

JoePa smiles and I see that our love will never be too old. You’ve taught me that Coach Knight’s passion, intelligence and sense of humor are the keys to finding love. And if I’m honest and play smart, I can find love my way.

Ted Williams and Charles Barkley remind me that love comes from each season. Sometimes even the best to ever play the game find that true love is in the game itself and not in the prize at the end.

With every George Mason and Appalachian State you remind me that love is blind and yes, mid major upsets inspire us all to believe that a little love can go a long way.

My love for you continues to grow every time DUKE beats UNC in Chapel Hill and no one will ever come between my love for 762* and 162.

So tonight while couples are out to dinner, I will stay home with you and listen to our song, DaNuhNuh DaNuhNuh and enjoy my HD view of just how clear our love is.


  1. I absolutely love this blog. I agree with you, that my true love has been and always will be sports. The high intensity emotions die-hard fans go through while watching their teams can be life changing, especially if they win a pivotal game. Keep it up!

  2. Love it!!!! This is totally your calling! Love how you kicked it off on Valentine's Day!
